The Evangelist.

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"Obi, is it really necessary for me to come as well?" Shin tiredly asked the captain who had dragged along Him, Shinra, and the newly joined Tamaki to the Captain's meeting.

"Yes. The topic if discussion for today's meeting is the Evangelist, and since you three were directly involved, your presence is needed."Obi enthusiastically confirmed, irking the long haired boy.

Shin was yet again forced into a suit and had his long hair tied into a ponytail, making him look absolutely gorgeous. Though, all he wanted to do right now was take all of it off.

'It's not like I wanted to be there.' Shin pouted, grumbling like a little child as he popped in a lolipop.


As Obi, Shinra, Shin and Tamaki entered the cathedral, they were met with most of the companies' captains.

Squad 1- Leonard
Squad 2- Gustav Honda
Squad 3- Dr. Giovanni
Squad 4-Soichiro Hague
Squad 5-Princess Hibana
Squad 6-Kayako Huang
Squad 7-Benimaru Shinmon
Squad 8-Akitaru Obi

"Even the 7th captain has arrived to this meeting, they normally never show up." Obi said.

"So that man is the renowned mughtiest fire soldier of all?" Shinra asked, looking towards the captain in question.

Shin just boredly looked at the man, analysing his appearance. The captain just glanced at Shin then to Shinra's nervous grin.

"What are you laughing at, you damn brat?" The man asked irritatedly.

"Waka..." His lieutenant tried to calm him down.

When the Emperor of Tokyo Empire appeared, everyone besides the sleeping Shin and the two from company 7 had stood up in a religious stance.

"...zzzz..." Shin had already dosed off a long time ago, tired of this bullshit that had yet to start.

"Let us begin with this meeting."

Shin, who was now awake due to Shinra,didnt really pay attention as he wasn't really interested in this whole meeting in the first place. Honestly, he was only actually listening in on the captains' argument, which he found amusing because of the ✨drama✨.

"Shinra Kusakabe. I believe you own an Adolla Burst." The emperor guy said.

So basically, the Adolla Burst is supposed to be a flame of purity, or whatever the old man said, and the evangelist aims to find people like Shinra who have these flames. Thats all Shin heard honestly.

' Ah yes, that burst thingy the red head was boasting about.' Shin nodded to himself in thought.

"The evangelist will be coming after Shinra Kusakabe, shouldn't we keep him secure?" The man who looked like he had escaped the Black Plague said, with obvious ill intent.

" Company 8 will take the responsibility of Shinra's safety." Obi defended, making Shin nod in agreement.

And with that, the meeting had come to a close.

"Shinra, why do you wish to see the Amaterasu?" Shin asked as he was being pulled along by Shinra, both heading towards the top of the building which had a better view if the furnace.

"It may be connected with my past." was all Shinra said.

"Long time no see, Devil's footprints." A familiar voice said from behind the two.

Shinra and Shin both turned to the man, Joker.

Damn, Shin really was tired of this bullshit.

Shinra and Joker were takking about the Adollah Burst, which Shin was just tuning out as he minded his own business, aka his lolipop. Besides, if Joker tried anything, Shin would be able to interfere.

Shinra also learns that his little brother, Sho Kusakabe, was under the Evangelist. So pursuing this Evangelist guy would lead him to the truth of his family and past.

With the information given, Joker had disappeared, though Shin could've sworn he was sent a menacing grin towards him as well. What a strange man.

"Shinra." Shin tapped Shinra's shoulder gently, worried for the boy.

"Let's head back, Shin. Sorry for dragging you into this." Shinra stated with a serious expression, making Shin nod hesitantly.

Shin knew that he had no right interfering with Shinra's fight, which is why he had let himself to be a spectator most of the time in order for Shinra to gain more experience. However, if possible, Shin would too like to fight. The staleness of not getting a decent battle was catching up to him, and he did not like it.

It was time for Shin to get serious, especially with all this Evangelist stuff.

At company 8, Shinra had opened up about his meeting with Joker to everyone during the joint supper, which Shin was proud of. This showed that Shinra truly trusted everyone in the company, just like how Shin did. If Shin had the most overwhelming abilities know to fire soldiers, he would use it all to protect this family of his.

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