The Rookie Games/Joker

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"So, how was it?" A man in a white jacket suit, red-white striped shirt asked, referring to another man in the room with dark purple hair, a fedora, an eye patch and a cigarette in his mouth.

The fedora man, known as Joker, chuckled.

"The thing I asked you to make for me actually worked, though I almost got caught in the process." Joker reminisced, piercing blue eyes that stared right into his soul was all he could remember, it really sent chills all over his body. This intrigued him.

"Ah yes. I have looked into the company that was helping with the scene, Company 8 ,with the Devil's feet." The jacket man , known as Viktor Licht said, taking out a handful of documents and placing them of the desk. " It seems that we have found something more interesting than ever before, a hybrid."

Viktor pointed directly pointed to a document with the name 'Shinsuke Hitoka'. Ah yes. Joker remembered that piercing gaze, something that he had never seen before. The eyes of a predator, aiming to kill it's prey. How scary, how delightful.

Joker took two documents off the table and stared at them intently. With one named 'Shinra Kusakabe' and the other named 'Shinsuke Hitoka'. What will happen next?


It was the day of the rookie games, and Shin just wanted to go back home.

Right now, Shin was following both Arthur and Shinra along the area, not quite sure as to how he was supposed to act. So he acted like he always did, carefree and lazy.

Shin had on what he always had on, along with the gold rings that served as a limiter of sorts. For the enemies though, not so much for Shin himself.
He had no problem controlling all his firepower at once, however he would definitely burn someone alive just by removing one of them, so he chose to keep them all on today, and every other day.

"Shinra, Arthur." Shin poked the two, making them both turn to him with confused expressions.

"Let's walk around." They all agreed on the idea, hence leading to the situation now.

Shinra met a girl named Tamaki Kotatsu, who seemed to be in Company 1, with a rather weird first impression. But Shin didn't really care.

Shinra had gone off earlier as soon as he saw the captain of company 1, so it was only left with Arthur and Shin.

When Arthur first met Shin, he had mistook him for a girl due to the beautiful long hair and pair of blue eyes he owned. Due to this and finding out he was a boy later on, Arthur strived to become Shin's friend, so he could boast about his bravery and strength to a princess of some sorts, which is quite unfortunate for Shin. But he relented.

Shin thought Arthur was an obnoxious weirdo at first, but when he found out that it was just  Arthur being Arthur, he didn't really find it a problem anymore, befriending the strange fellow and forcing himself to stay awake during their little story sessions.

"The Rookie games are about to begin! All participants, please put on your turnout gear and gather at the meeting area." The speaker announced.

"Arthur." Shin poked Arthur's soldier, to which he got responded with a nod.


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