Bonus Chapter: One-year Anniversary

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It was right after eight o'clock when Robin finally heard a key in the door to his apartment. Tyler wasn't actually late--as Robin knew his boyfriend's practice ended at seven and then he had to shower, change, and wait for Lance to pick him up--but even after a year together, Robin still counted down the seconds until they would see each other again every time they were apart. Luckily, despite Robin living in a flat below his benefactor Mr. Royce's house and Tyler sharing a house with his cousin Lance, they'd managed to plan their busy schedules--chockful with classes for both of them and then also shifts at the movie theater and quiz bowl meets for Robin and physiotherapy appointments and track practice for Tyler--so they could spend most nights together. This meant Robin woke up next to blonde curls almost every morning.

"Honey! I'm home!" Tyler bellowed playfully from the hallway. Robin could hear a jacket being thrown off and an attempt being made to hang it on a hook. He also heard a thump as the jacket fell down. Tyler didn't pick it up. He never did, and Robin never cared.

Because what were a few fallen jackets and piles of strewn candy wrappers in exchange for everything Tyler gave him? Every kiss, hug, and sweet word that made up for missed affections from his own parents.

"I'm in here, by the TV," Robin replied. He instinctively muted the volume on the quiz show he'd been half-watching so he could hear Tyler instead. Besides, he already knew most of the answers anyway.

"Hi, cutie." Tyler peeked his head in from the hallway door. Wet messy curls framed his perfect face, with flushed cheeks from the October cold. He was dressed in a worn gray t-shirt with a Liverpool logo and red shorts, which showcased the carbon fiber leg on his left side. Since he had to change his leg for a running blade for practice, shorts was a much more practical clothing choice than pants. "Just let me get my shoes off too and I'll be with you." Two thumps followed--as the shoes landed far away from the shoe rack--and a few seconds later Ty plopped down on the couch next to Robin.

Quickly, comfortably, and easily, their lips found each other. They've kissed so many times by now that fireworks couldn't go off every time, but there were certainly still sparklers being lit inside Robin from the intimate touch. Tyler tasted of cold fall air and smelled of lemon body wash.

"How was practice today?" Robin asked. A few months ago, Tyler had joined an amputee track team--after getting connected with the trainer through his physiotherapist--and seemed to enjoy the opportunity to practice and eventually maybe compete again, even if the sport had changed. Robin had noticed a newfound calmness in his boyfriend ever since he started attending the practices, like the restless energy in Tyler's limbs finally had an outlet again. Pushing his body to its limits seemed to be a necessary component for him to function, and it showed in his school results as well as his focus in classes appeared to have improved greatly.

Tyler bent down toward his prosthetic leg with a groan. "Just let me get this thing off and I'll tell you everything," he replied and pushed the button to release the vacuum that held the appendage in place. A shiver of relief went through his body as the seal was broken and his residual leg was finally freed from confinement. He leaned the prosthetic against the side of the couch. Robin suspected it would soon fall over. Perhaps they would even have to look for it in the morning when Tyler had forgotten where he'd put it. And he couldn't very well leave for school without his left leg.

With his body relaxed, Tyler leaned toward Robin, who lifted his arm up so his boyfriend could lean against his chest. He placed a kiss upon still-damp curls.

"I beat my personal best on 200 meters," Tyler proudly revealed, while massaging his leg slightly with his hand. "I mean, I'm still not as good as the other guys, who've been running on blades for years, but I'm getting better every time."

"You could definitely outrun me though," Robin surmised. "And I have two legs..."

"Probably..." Tyler agreed, interlacing his fingers with Robin. "I might not have a left foot, but you have two of them..." The slight insult was smoothed over by a kiss on the cheek. "But you're good at other stuff, Robby. Like school, and cleaning up after me. And being damn cute!"

The last statement was emphasized with a wet kiss. Robin did agree that being considered cute in Tyler's eyes was a far more useful skill than running fast unless a bear was chasing you.

"What are we watching?" Tyler asked with a yawn as he settled in against Robin's shoulder.

"Some game show," Robin replied. "Don't fall asleep just yet though, Ty, I have something for you." Gently, he moved Tyler's head off himself before he stood up and walked into the small kitchenette.

After some fiddling in the fridge, Robin returned with a plate that had two pink pop tarts atop. The frosting-covered toasts were adorned with burning sparklers that lit up the room. The number 1 had been piped atop the frosting.

Tyler looked upon the creation in awe.

"It's our first anniversary," Robin explained, setting the tray on the table. They'd never really set a date for when their relationship started but as he'd looked in his calendar that morning, trying to remember his Psychology homework, today's date, October 23rd, had stood out to him. It had seemed important. And after doing some calculations, he realized that had been the date when he and Tyler woke up together for the first time.

It seemed like the right date to celebrate, and he'd wanted to do something to remember the occasion. Even if his student budget didn't allow for any bigger extravagances.

"I know," Tyler replied with a cheeky smile. "You didn't think I would forget such an occasion, did you, Robby?" He reached for his backpack, which had been haphazardly strewn on the floor, and presented a gift wrapped in wads of glittery orange and pink and about a ton of tape. Tyler had definitely wrapped it himself. "You made me pop-tarts that morning before you had to leave for class. Then we met after class and... well, I made you pop in other ways, I guess."

Robin blushed at the mere mention. Tyler blushed as well. It was one thing to do such things but a whole other to talk about them.

Perhaps it would be better if they skipped the talking.

With a self-conscious smile and shrug, Tyler grabbed a pop-tart. The way he licked the frosting off his lips did nothing to temper the naughty thoughts that had started to whirl in Robin's head.

"I figured you would want something sweet," Robin explained, his eyes intently focused on the sugary sheen on his boyfriend's lips.

"I always do," Tyler replied and let his hand wander up Robin's thigh. "Open your gift first though and then we can... taste some sweets."

Robin did as he was told. Rather quickly even. Although he still made sure to unwrap the paper neatly, without ripping right through it. He wasn't a heathen after all. Although if Ty continued to caress his leg he might turn into one.

The glossy paper turned out to hide a scrapbook. On the cover, he saw himself and Ty share a kiss during Pride. Rainbows streaked their faces and the air around them swirled with confetti and love. He turned the pages to find more pictures, drawings of hearts, and attached slips of paper.

"Emmie made the drawings," Tyler explained. "Aunt Donna helped me put it all together." He helped Robin navigate the different pages, that all depicted different milestones in their relationship. "This is the sign-up slip I got for tutoring," he explained. "That's the first time I saw your name. And this is the movie tickets for our date before we... consummated our relationship."

Robin looked at the scrapbook in awe. "I didn't know you saved such things!" he exclaimed. "Your things are usually in a mess and you can't find anything." He kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "No offense."

"None taken." Tyler beamed. "But I do save the things that matter and I know how to find them. Even if I can't find my own leg at times..." He took another bite of his pop tart, making some frosting stick to his nose. "Now let's enjoy these pop tarts! I'm kind of starving!"

"I do have some more in the kitchen," Robin replied, as he'd suspected one pop tart wouldn't be enough to quench his boyfriend's constant hunger. "Let me get them and something to drink as well."

As he rose and passed Tyler on his way toward the kitchen, clamoring hands stopped him in his tracks. "I think I'll have this instead," Tyler mumbled. He snaked his hand in under Robin's shirt and fiddled with the waistband. "Just like last year."

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