Chapter 42: Jello Cups

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He'd been here before. Robin could remember this exact hallway, with fluorescent lighting that flickered and blue lines on the floor indicating where each wing of the hospital was located. Outside the window, there was a lush park with a giant climbing structure, complete with nets, slides, and swings. The shrill yells from the kids outside had called for him. He'd asked his mom if he could go out and join them once they were done at the hospital--because he didn't really feel that sick--only to get a blank stare in reply.

Robin shook his head, ridding himself of the onslaught of memories. This was not the time for such introspection. He pulled his jacket closer, freezing as the early December cold seeped in with every entering patient. The fabric felt rough against his bare skin.

"Here, I think you might need this." Miss Horn put a paper cup filled with hot tea in Robin's hand. "It has both milk and sugar," she added. "I figured you may take it the same way as Tyler. That's what he drinks during our sessions."

Robin nodded, but the giant lump of guilt in his throat prevented him from taking a single sip of the warming beverage.

Tyler was hurt and it was his fault.

"He'll be fine, you know," Miss Horn assured him with a supportive pat on the shoulder. "The doctors know what they're doing. And since you found out what your mother gave him it's much easier for them to treat."

Robin just nodded again. He'd heard what the doctors said as well. The heart medicine Robin had snatched from his mother's claws wasn't a threat to Tyler's longtime health. At worst, it would make him feel dizzy and tired for a few days. Although to be on the safe side, they were currently running some additional tests to make sure there hadn't been anything else mixed into those muffins as well.

Still, Robin couldn't shake the feeling of dread. It was consuming him from the inside and out, making his hands shake and his throat run dry.

"You did good, Robin," Miss Horn reiterated, her hand making circles on his back. "You made sure he got treatment as soon as possible. And you stood up to your mother."

Robin nodded, happy that the counselor was there. Because sitting there alone in the bare hospital hallway would have been so much worse. Miss Horn had even taken it upon herself to call Tyler's aunt and tell her what had happened. Aunt Donna was expected to arrive at any moment.

"It's my fault," he mumbled, putting the still-untouched cup of tea aside to lean his forehead in his hands. "She hurt Tyler because of me."

"That doesn't mean it's your fault, Robin. She hurt you too. Your mom's not well and that has nothing to do with you. You're not to blame."

He knew the words were true, but still, he couldn't quite let them soak into his mind.

"She might try again." He looked around the hallway, suddenly paranoid that his mother might be there, lurking. After all, cold hospital corridors were her element. This was where she thrived.

"Not if you stop her."

"You mean if I...?" He knew what she meant. She'd mentioned it before but then it had felt impossible. But maybe it wasn't anymore.

Miss Horn nodded encouragingly. "You have proof now. The muffins are still in your room and Tyler's hospital records will be saved."

"Can you help me?" he asked. "Like I don't even know... where to begin. How do I do this?"

"Of course I will help you, Robin." Miss Horn smiled warmly, making Robin believe that maybe this was possible. With her aiding him, and with Tyler by his side, he could do this. He could report his mother.

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