Chapter 30: Chocolate Fudge

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Blonde curls tickled Robin's nose when he woke up. For a moment, he was confused about where he was. But it didn't really matter, since Tyler was there. He lingered in the warmth of the body pressed against his as the events of the day before flooded his mind. It was a lot to take in.

A knock came from the door. "Tyler," Lance called out from the other side. "We need to leave for the hospital in an hour or so. Unless Robin wants to say hi to the whole family, he should perhaps leave before they wake up."

The plan had been for Robin to leave discreetly the night before, but as he and Tyler had snuggled close on the bed, watching a movie about a frozen queen who belted out a song about letting go of the past, they appeared to have drifted into dreams together.

The body in his arms stirred slightly, seemingly not quite awoken by his cousin's call. Robin had learned by now that Tyler slept about as soundly as a hibernating bear.

"I need to leave," Robin whispered into a curl-covered ear. "Lance will show me out."

Tyler peered up at Robin, his sleepy mind trying to take in the information. Eventually, once all the cognitive gears had turned properly, he nodded.

Robin shuffled down on the floor, quickly trying to unwrinkle the clothes he'd slept in. A rubbed his eyes and pulled a hand through his hair. That would do for a morning routine.

A hand touched his. Just a stroke across the back of it. Robin turned to face his maybe-still-boyfriend. "Come here," Tyler muttered, pulling Robin closer by his little finger.

Warm lips melted into his, like soft chocolate fudge. Robin tried to savor the kiss for as long as possible because he knew he needed to live off that kiss for the coming two weeks. It needed to fuel him for everything he needed to do to make sure there would be more kisses.

Another knock on the door told him he needed to go.

"I'll see you soon," he whispered, tucking a few strands of blonde hair behind Tyler's ear.

"See you soon," Tyler repeated.


Robin didn't go back to his dorm room after leaving. Instead, he went to the university campus. This was where he belonged, and where he intended to stay. His father had once walked among the same red brick buildings and neatly cut hedges. Robin felt a connection to Jon Erie here. Perhaps he'd been just as caged by Liza as Robin now was. Perhaps he'd insisted on Robin getting his education here in an attempt to open the door on his son's cage, allowing him the freedom he couldn't have himself.

From a stone bench, Robin watched the sunrise. A glowing yellow orb hovering over the skyline, bringing with it new possibilities.

He knew what he needed to do now. And he knew he couldn't do it alone.

So, as the yellow light warmed the fall air, he walked across the campus and toward the counseling office. The building was still locked when he arrived, so he took a seat on the stairs outside and waited.

About an hour later--at which point Robin was freezing to the core as he hadn't brought a jacket--Miss Horn walked up toward the building, rolling her bike next to her.

"Mr. Erie, what are you doing here so early?" she asked in surprise upon laying her eyes on the student loitering on the steps. Robin realized that he probably looked quite pathetic, having not showered or changed his clothes since the day before.

"I needed to talk to you right away," he said. "I know we got an appointment later but I didn't want to wait." He sighed, pulling his hoodie closer to conserve warmth. "Some stuff happened this weekend."

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