Sweet Goodbye (notes from the author)

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So you've made it to the end of this story!

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has given this story a shot. I appreciate every comment, vote, and read more than you can imagine.

As I just completed an extensive revision of this story for the Wattys, all feedback on how the story flowed is very appreciated.

I am eventually planning a sequel to this story, so keep your eyes peeled for that if it's something you're interested in. My plan is for this story to be set right after Robin and Tyler graduate and will feature some kind of conclusion in regards to Robin's mother.

In the meantime, if you liked this story, you may also like some of my other stories:

- Sweet Tea (Completed), is set in the same sweet story universe as this story and follows the burgeoning romance between Miss Horn and Tyler's cousin Lance. There is also plenty of Tyler hijinx as Lance makes the (unwise?) decision to let his cousin move in with him.

- Sweet Desire (In Progress), is a story I recently began writing about Robin's friend Des and her forays into self-exploration and maybe romance. Unsuspecting alpaca farmer Hernan is drawn into her schemes as Des needs to convince her mom she has a boyfriend.

- Faceclaim (Completed), is another queer story, featuring an actor put in a perilous situation where he needs to act his pants off to rescue himself! It's kind of a weird story, with some quite experimental narrative devices, but also at the core a very sweet story.

- Iguanatopia (Completed), leans right into the rompier aspects of my writing and depicts what happens when a pirate crew finds an unusual iguana and (naturally) assumes it to be their long-lost captain. Features magical mermaids, cute capybara, and terrifying turnips.

Thank you for reading!

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