Chapter 25: Hard Lemonade

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Once again, Robin lied to his mother. It was starting to become second nature to him. "I need to stay at uni for the weekend because of school," he told her on the phone. "I have several tests to study for and also essays that are due."

"You can study at home, Robin," his mother countered coldly.

"But I need to use the library when I write the essays," he replied, just like he had rehearsed beforehand with Des. He would stay firm and not give in. "It will just be so much easier if I stick around here. Then I can come home next weekend."

Robin certainly felt no urge to go home next weekend either. But he had to. He had to stand up to his mother before she swooped in and destroyed the precarious castle of dreams Robin had started to build. Because he knew that construction stood on a wobbly foundation of bitter lies.

Liza sighed, noticeably annoyed at her son's reluctance to obey her. "All right, Robin, I guess I can't force you to come here if you have more important things to do," she huffed. "I'll see you next weekend then. But you better get good grades on those exams."

It was almost too easy. But Robin decided to not question the win. He would deal with everything. Next weekend.

"I will see you then," he promised, although he dreaded the coming visit. "And I'll ace the exams, I promise." Those, he didn't dread. Tests and essays had never been an issue for Robin. If only social interactions had come as easy.

The door rattled and Tyler laboriously made his way inside. To open a door while on crutches wasn't the easiest maneuver to begin with and it was made increasingly by Tyler being weighed down by a heavy backpack. "Hi Robby," he exclaimed as the door slammed close. "I got costumes and booze!"

Robin put a finger to his mouth to signal to his boyfriend to be silent. Understanding the gesture, Tyler mimed a zipping gesture across his mouth and threw an air kiss toward Robin in place of words.

"What was that?" his mother asked suspiciously.

"Just... eh... some kids in the hall messing around," Robin replied inconspicuously. "They're probably preparing a Halloween party."

This was a holiday Robin had never celebrated when growing up. His mother had never let him out of her sight for long enough to go trick-or-treating or attend a party.

"I hope you're not planning to do any of those shenanigans, Robin," Liza said in a sour tone. "You're in college to study and nothing should distract you from that."

"Of course not," he replied smoothly. "I'll use the evening to study at the library. It should be quiet there when everyone is out partying."

Meanwhile, Tyler leaned his crutches precariously against the kitchen counter--he mostly avoided using the aids when he was inside Robin's room and instead shuffled around by using the furniture and walls as support--put his backpack on the countertop with a clank, and started to rummage through the cupboard above, presumably in the hunt for snacks. When a pack of crackers landed with a thud on the counter, Tyler picked them up and happily started to munch on the crumbled bits.

"I'll call you tomorrow, mom," Robin said quickly, worried Tyler's ruckus in the kitchen would alert her. "Love you."

He did mean it, despite everything. She was still his mother and he couldn't let go of all endearments toward her just like that.

"Love you too," she replied. "Talk to you soon. And promise not to get up to anything stupid, Robin."

"I promise." He quickly hung up the phone.

As soon as he'd pushed the red button, Robin exhaled. It was always a relief to get off the phone with his mother. Calling her was like making himself stand under a raincloud. Dark and miserable. But as he looked over toward Tyler in the kitchen, who brightly smiled back at him with crumb-covered lips, the cloud immediately lifted. The sun peered in and birds sang.

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