Chapter 16: Pop-Tarts

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Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team!

The peppy lyrics blared through the room when Robin woke up. Bright sun rays found their way into the blanket cave and stung his eyes. He surmised three things: it was morning, the power was back on, and the childish movie they'd been midway through had commenced playing again.

Robin agreed with the lyrics. In this sliver of a moment, everything was awesome. Because resting next to him was a blonde boy with messy curls and kiss-covered lips. Robin wanted to cover those lips, and every other part of Tyler's body, in even more kisses. No other task seemed as important for that day. Certainly not getting up for school.

So he flung the blanket back over his head, to shut out the disturbing sound and stinging light. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Tyler's neck and delighted in the scent of morning. The other boy was still fast asleep, perhaps exhausted after the ordeal last night. Or he was just a very sound sleeper. Robin couldn't wait to spend more nights together and find out.

But just as Robin was about to fall back to sleep, his euphoria was disturbed by a knock on the door. And then another. The knocks grew louder and more insistent.

Fear struck him. What if it was his mother? He hadn't talked to her since he'd left her house that weekend. Instead, he'd dove head first into romance, hoping that his other problems would just go away.

Robin groaned, it seemed he would have to get up to handle this. Perhaps he could make whoever it was leave. His right arm was wedged under Ty, who remained sound asleep despite the ruckus outside, and very carefully he pulled it free. Before reluctantly leaving the bed, he snuck in a quick kiss atop blond curls.

"Robin, are you in there?" Des called from outside. Hearing his friend instead of his mother was a relief.

Still dazed from slumber and high on love, Robin stumbled across the floor and grabbed a t-shirt from the back of the desk chair on the way. Right before he pressed down the door handle, he pulled the clothing item over his head.

"That's not your shirt," Des threw at him soon as the door slid open. She appeared dressed for school in a pink and blue striped t-shirt dress with jeggings underneath.

Robin looked down at the shirt he wore. It was inside-out.

And Des was right. It wasn't his shirt. It was Tyler's shirt. This was obvious since it had a slimmer fit and deeper neckline than the shirts Robin usually wore.

It also smelled differently. It smelled wonderfully.

Robin had to focus really hard on Des' words to not get drawn into the alluring scent of the ill-fitting t-shirt.

"I guess not," Robin grunted in what was the best response he could muster.

"So the date went well then?" Des asked with a gleeful expression. She peeked past the door and spotted the crutches by the bed. "He's still here? He's in your bed?!" she squeed and bounced up and down in a way that made the messy bun atop her head flop around precariously.

Robin nodded and put his finger to his lips. He didn't want her to wake the adorably sleepy Tyler.

Picking up on the shushing gesture, Des silenced herself but she still couldn't stop smiling or bouncing.

"Why are you here?" Robin asked grumpily.

"You missed English class this morning," Des replied. "I wanted to make sure you don't miss your Statistics class as well."

"I'm sure it won't matter if I miss a few classes," Robin groaned, longing to get back to his bed companion. "I'm always in class and I have good grades."

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