2. A chance!

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Hey everyone! I hope you all are doing well. 

Niall's POV

After Louis left after Simon, things got pretty awkward quickly. I know things have been said, remarks have been made but it doesn't have to be this bad. We all were so close before this and I'm sure deep down that feeling is still there. I sighed.

"Wonder what's going on over there?" Liam said breaking my thoughts as we all looked towards Louis and Simon. We could only see Louis' back, but it was evident the conversation they're having is not nice.

Zayn and Harry too looked, tensed. We saw Simon leaving and Liam didn't waste another second walking towards Louis asking us to stay back. As soon as Liam reached Louis, he threw himself in Liam's arms. Harry flinched beside me and then looked elsewhere. Zayn looked worried and rubbed his palm. I knew he was anxious.

"Guys, relax. I'm sure it's nothing." I tried cheering them up but failed, obviously. I looked around, everyone was having fun, except us. It just didn't feel right. I sighed, loud enough for the guys to hear. They turned towards me. Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, Nialler. I'm sure it's nothing." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. But I still nodded.

"Zayn, how have you been? I read what happened. I'm so sorry you've to go through all that." I said. It was all over the news that Zayn had a spat with Gigi's mom.

"Thanks, Nialler. I'm doing fine at the moment. It's just that......." He sighed looking down. I placed my hand gently on his back.

"I know, Zayn, you must be feeling alone in all this but trust me, your fans are always there for you. And not to forget your family....... And also, us." I said after a pause, and he looked up instantly. I could see his eyes turned glassy. He pressed his lips and nodded, not able to say anything. I couldn't help it but hugged him again.

"Thank You" he said in a soft tone. I looked at Harry who also looked concerned but didn't say anything.

"I don't know how long this "reunion" is going to last but I want to make the most of it guys." I finally said what was in mind. None of the boys spoke.

"I know it's weird and uncomfortable meeting after so long.... But we all are still the same people, right? It shouldn't be that difficult to reconnect?" I said, plead and desperation clear in my voice.

Zayn smiled.

"Of course, Nialler. To be honest, I didn't even wanna come here, you know, provided my history with Simon... but when he said you all were coming then I just had to come because I knew it's now or never." He said with a hint of hope and sadness in his voice.

"Common, Zayn. I have always believed that one day or another we would have found our way back to each other. I mean we're destined to be together." I said looking at Zayn. Our eyes locked for a microsecond before I pulled away and looked at Harry.

Liam came back before Harry could say something.

"What was all that about? Is Louis okay?" Zayn asked as soon as he spotted Liam.

"Yes, he's fine. He didn't go into details but we all know how Simon fucks with his mind."

"What does he even want now? Lou is free from the contract and everything." I asked, concerned.

"God knows. I just hope it's nothing serious." Liam sighed.

"Where is he now?" Zayn questioned again. I looked at Harry to see if he was concerned at all. Turns out yes, he is but obviously won't say something. He looked down when he caught me staring at him.

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