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2:57 am

Author POV

It had been about 3 hours since Jungkook and Jimin fell asleep. The shorter male groaned as his bladder forced him to get up and drag himself to the bathroom. Right when he was drying off his hands, he heard a loud scream coming from his bedroom where Jungkook was sleeping. Without any hesitation, he quickly rushed over to the door and barged in. His face filled with concern as he saw his co-worker flailing his arms and legs in the air frantically, clearly having some sort of nightmare.

After the shock of the scene disappeared, his protective instincts kicked in and compelled him to come to Jungkook's aid. He carefully avoided being hit by the younger's limbs as he climbed into the bed and gave him a tight hug to ground him. As soon as the added pressure registered in the taller male's subconscious brain, he instantly stopped his movements. The red haired male breathed a sigh of relief as he lightly stroked Jungkook's back in a comforting manner.

"It's okay, Jungkookie...I'm here...I've got you... Everything is going to be alright," his hyung whispered sweetly as he ruffled the brown locks with his free hand.

Eventually, the younger's body relaxed as he shifted to rest his head on Jimin's chest. The older boy admittedly felt his heart flutter but, at the same time, he fought back the urge to coo when Jungkook snuggled against him with a tiny yawn. Jimin always slept without a shirt on, so he couldn't help but blush shyly when Jungkook's fingers came in contact with his unclothed skin. The feeling was both arousing and heartwarming at the same time.

Since the lights were still out it was difficult to see his face clearly, even with the moonlight filtering in from the bedroom windows, but he suddenly noticed a wetness from Jungkook's cheeks as he slept peacefully on his bare chest. Just knowing that Jungkook's nightmare was so terrible that it had caused the younger to cry made Jimin feel an ache in his chest. To him, his dongsaeng was like a precious flower that he wanted to cherish and protect from harm. He hated the fact that this was probably a common occurrence every night for Jungkook.

He decided to stay with him for a little while longer before returning to the couch. This was the first time he had gotten so close to his shy co-worker and he genuinely wished the other wasn't sound asleep. Without even realizing it, about 20 minutes had passed and that's when Jimin finally decided it was safe to make his exit. But right when he moved to get up, the long arms that were still wrapped around his waist tightened and he caught a glimpse of the thin rosy lips as they formed a pout. Jimin stifled a giggle at the unexpected behavior, staring down at the shy boy with a fond smile.

"You're so cute," he mumbled as he brushed back his bangs from his forehead.

"Jiminie hyung..."

Jimin's eyes widened and his body stiffened when he heard his name coming from the male beside him. Was he awake? Did he hear his voice? Did he know they were sharing a bed? Would he freak out? But the younger made no attempts to move away, which told him that the young intern was still sound asleep. That only led Jimin to start asking other questions: Does this mean that his dongsaeng was dreaming about him? What were they doing in his dream? Did he dream about him often?

The red haired male shook his head at his own thoughts, not wanting to think about what that might mean this early in the morning. The red clock on the nightstand showed it was already 3:21 am which meant they would have to get up in roughly two hours. Jimin slowly adjusted his position to make it easier for him to release himself from Jungkook's tight hold, but the taller boy just shifted along with him. If he wasn't so fearful of Jungkook freaking out in the morning, he would gladly stay with him to ensure he didn't have another nightmare.

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