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Jungkook POV

It was towards the end of the day, which meant that my night outing with Jiminie hyung was around the corner. As I was in the middle of typing, I heard my desk mate rummaging around in his things. For a while I ignored it until I realized that he was packing up. I furrowed my eyebrows as I glanced over at the time on the bottom of my computer screen. It read:


"Are we leaving early?" I asked quizzically.

"Correction. I'm leaving early."

"B-but I thought you said I could go to d-dinner with you and Jiminie hyung?"

"I did, but dinner isn't until 6."

"Oh. Then w-where are you going??"

"To the airport."

"And then you'll come back to get me so we can go out with Jiminie hyung?"

"You do realize there's going to be other people there too right?"

"I-I know that!" I exclaimed as my cheeks flushed pink, belatingly realizing that I sounded way too desperate. "It's just that he's really the only one I'll know..." I mumbled.

"Oh and what am I?? C-chopped liver?!?!"

"N-no that's not what I meant hyung," I pouted as I worriedly clutched my hands together, afraid that I had upset him.

"Here I am thinking that I was being a good hyung and inviting you along...and all you can talk about is 'JiMIniE HyUnG'!"

"I-! I'm sorry Tae hyung! I didn't mean it like that..."

"No, I see how it is! You're stuck with me all day and now you've gotten bored with me! You tossed me aside so that you can play with your precious Jiminie hyung!" he said rather loudly as he slung his bag over his shoulder with a scowl.

"Hyung! It's not like that!" I replied earnestly as I stood up.

"Isn't it?! You even went to lunch with him earlier. Usually we hang out together. But now everything's different between us..."

"Hyung, please! It's not what you think!"

"No it's fine. I know when I'm not wanted."

"Noooo! Hyung, I haven't replaced you. I just-!"

"You just what?!"

"......" I bit my lip, not sure what I could say to make him understand without me telling him my feelings.

"I see," he muttered as he gathered up the rest of his belongings and turned to walk away.

"No! Hyung~" I pleaded as I rushed to follow him down the hall.


"Hyung!" I tried again, louder this time, as we both approached the elevator.

"......." He remained silent as he pressed the button to go down.

"Hyung please believe me!" I beseeched, my lower lip sticking out as he refused to make eye contact.




"I JUST REALLY LIKE HIM, OKAY?!" I blurted out suddenly.

At my words, my desk mate finally turned to face me. Tae hyung stared at me with a neutral face and I swallowed slowly as I built up the courage to say the next part aloud.

"I-I like, like him," I added shyly, my entire face burning with embarrassment at my confession.

Thankfully nobody knew who I was referring to but,  judging by the way they glared at me as they passed by, they had all heard me yell. My friend folded his arms with a skeptical look, his eyes staring me down as he shifted closer to me. I self-consciously looked away as he got closer, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

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