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Time Skip (50 minutes)

Jungkook POV

By the time I hit save and inserted the link in the presentation, my heart was beating about 850bpm. It was the fastest 50 minutes of my life, but I had successfully created a decent promotional video. As someone who normally thrived off of doing projects quickly, I was ready to just collapse on the floor and drink a tall glass of banana milk with a warm blanket wrapped around me.

I regained my composure when I saw Damien walking down the hall with a group of men in expensive suits following along behind him. Our eyes met and I gave him a subtle nod as I set up the PowerPoint presentation on the screen. My video wouldn't be until the end of the meeting and according to Damien, the meetings typically last 30 minutes to an hour. So I would potentially have to wait a whole hour before they even looked at it!

I suddenly felt insecure about the video I made since I was the only one who had seen it. Nobody else even knows what's on it! I mean what if I misinterpreted what he asked me to do? What if it's too long or too short? It was a scary thought for me considering I always asked for feedback on my work. I had gotten so little direction on it due to the time crunch and now my mind was wandering. I bit my lower lip nervously as I stepped away from the podium, grabbing my jacket as I made my way towards Damien who was leading the men to the conference table.

"You finished it?" he whispered, his tone giving away how anxious he was.

"Yes...I already put the link for it on the PowerPoint slide at the end, sir."

"You're a life saver, kid!"

"So I've been told." I chuckled softly as he patted me on the back with a smile.

"Okay, Jungkook you've been a big help today. Why don't you go ahead and head back to your desk and I'll come down once it's over, alright?"

"What?! Can't I stay, sir? I'm dying to know what they think," I pleaded with a pout.

"I'm sorry, but this is a closed meeting. Nobody else is supposed to be in here," he explained. I sighed and lowered my head in defeat as I turned to walk back towards the elevators. "Wait..." Damien called, grabbing me by the arm with a pitying look. "If you want... I can take you to the viewing room." I gave him a confused look as I turned to face him fully.

"Viewing room?"

"Yeah. Some of the hosts and a few other colleagues gather there to watch the promo video on one of the giant monitors down the hall. It's only meant for people on this floor and select staff members, but...I guess we can make an exception since you saved our asses," he laughed, nudging me in the arm.

"R-really?! That would be great, sir. Thank you!" I beamed as I shook his right hand with both of mine happily.

"Yeah, yeah calm down, kid. Just follow me, alright?" my boss muttered as he brushed my hands away gently. I bit back a grin as I noticed Damien trying to hide a smile of his own. He really was just a softie on the inside. It was just deep down...like way down there.

After making sure that all the representatives were seated and taken care of, Damien escorted me to the showing room down the long hallway. He explained to some other staff members why I was there and they welcomed me warmly, letting me know I could help myself to some snacks and beverages. I watched my boss rush back to the conference room with a bottle of water and a handful of celery sticks after making sure I was all settled.

My eyes scanned the room curiously as I headed over to the food table to grab a water and some sweets. It was pretty intimidating seeing so many of our popular TV hosts walking around and socializing with their colleagues. I felt oddly out of place, so I just grabbed my snacks and sat in a corner near the front closest to the monitor. After a few minutes I heard a voice speak up next to me.

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