Chapter Eight

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Saving The Miracle

Bruno X Reader

Chapter Eight


Victor walked around the village in hopes of finding victoria, luckily he quickly found her with alma. Victor brushed off his clothes before walking over to his abuela and his sister. As he approached the pair he picked up on their conversation. “Abuela! I found out that I can use my powers to help grab things from  the river like I helped senor ortiz get one of his shirts from the river while remaining completely dry!” Victoria exclaimed excitedly at her new talent, Alma was clearly not listening to her, she was too busy watching as mariano and senora guzman left a shop.

“Yes mija, that sounds nice, could you go and carry the donkeys to the barn?” Alma asked Victoria, who had a hurt expression on her face as Alma turned to look at her finally. “What’s wrong mija?” Victoria wiped away a single stray tear before responding to Alma, “Luisa can carry heavy things, not me!” Victoria walked away from Alma and walked to the village river. Victor quickly ran to catch up with victoria who sat down next to the river and quietly cried into the palms of her hands.

“Victoria?” Victor said softly as he approached his younger sister. “Why can’t I be myself without being mistaken for others?!” Victoria asked as she wiped away her tears. Victor sat down next to Victoria and hugged her. “I think abuela just hasn’t seen how cool our powers are! I mean you can shift into water, you can also shift water into shapes to entertain the village! But I mean my powers are pretty bad!” Victor told Victoria, obviously fishing for compliments which made her smile at him. “Yeah your powers do stink!” Victor looked at Victoria offended, before laughing.

The twins made their way back to Casita. Victoria walked into the kitchen where julieta, pepa and y/n sat talking about y/n’s health. Victor ran upstairs and went into the walls to go and talk to bruno.

“Pa!” Victor smiled as he walked into Bruno's makeshift room and saw Bruno and his abuelo watching the rat telenovela. “Hey mijo just in time for this episode serafina just found out her husband had been killed by his secret lover.” Victor let out an ‘ooh’ before sitting down on the small stool.

Victor went to sit down and watched the telenovela for a bit but before he got to sit he heard laughing, he walked over to the crack in the wall and put his ear next to it, hoping to hear what was going on.

Victor quickly caught what was happening outside the walls. He could hear Alma yelling. Casita quickly brought Victor out of the walls and outside where he got a view of everything, there were colorful flowers all around the courtyard, and across the roof. He took note of how quickly they disappeared. He turned his attention to everyone in the courtyard and made his way next to luisa, victoria and a colorful isabela. 

“That’s why I'm in the vision! I’m saving the miracle!” Mirabel explained to Alma.

“You have to stop mirabel! The cracks started with you! Bruno left because of you!” Victor wanted to run over to his cousin's side and stick up for her but he saw his abuelo shake his head at him as he went to step forward. “Luisa’s losing her powers, Isabela’s out of control, the twins and your tia have been all over the place because of you!” Mirabel leaned back, not expecting Alma to yell at her.

“I don’t know why you weren't given a gift but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!” Mirabel let out a gasp at Alma's words. Victoria and victor noticed the house shook for a second before it stopped. “I will never be good enough for you will I?” Mirabel asked as she looked up at Alma, then looking at julieta and Augustin who were near the doorway. 

“No matter how hard I try! No matter how hard any of us tries! Luisa will never be strong enough, isabela won’t be perfect enough, Victoria won’t be isabela, Victor won’t be good enough! Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him-!” Mirabel pointed out. 

“Bruno didn’t care about this family!” Pepa squeezed y/n’s shoulder at Alma's words. “He loves this family! I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one that doesn’t care! You're the one breaking our home!” Mirabel stood up for herself.

“Don’t you ever-!” Mirabel cut alma off. “The miracle is dying because of you!” Alma's eyes widened a bit. Casita creaked before cracking down the middle. “No, No, No!” y/n gasped as she watched casita break straight down the middle. “The candle!” Felix pointed out. Everyone looked over at the candle as it fell on its side in the window frame.

Casita shook causing everyone to shake before regaining their balance. Casita helped mirabel get up to the roof, camilo ran up the stairs and tried to stop mirabel, Victoria dumped out a vase that had water in it to try and hold her up so she could help mirabel grab the candle, isabela quickly grew a vine and tried to swing up onto the roof but as she did her door went out causing her to fall, camilo was mid shift when his door went out, Victoria was close to mirabel when her powers went out, causing her to grab onto and railing. Luckily Casita helped isabela, victoria and camilo land. The trio looked at each other before being pushed out by casita.

Victor noticed his abuelo kept fading in and out victor watched as he motioned to the front doors. He looked all around for any signs that Bruno had left the walls but he couldn’t find any in time. Casita pushed everyone out and onto the front yard. Everyone quickly got up and tried to tell mirabel to get out of casita. “MIRABEL! LEAVE IT!” julieta yelled out for her daughter.

The outside of Bruno's tower cracked and some of the roof started to fall off in the back. “MIRABEL THE HOUSE IS GOING TO FALL!” Inside the house, all the pictures and paintings on the walls fell to the ground, some frames shattering due to their fall. Mirabel had felt the candle graze her fingertips, and Casita helped her grab it. “MIRABEL GET OUT!” As soon as the words left y/n’s mouth, Bruno's tower fell over onto Alma's room. Luckily casita moved mirabel quick enough to get her away from the falling tower and onto the floor where casita covered mirabel with doors, side tables and chairs to protect her from falling debris. Mirabel hunched over the candle trying to keep it lit but failed to do so, the candle had finally burned out.

Victor watched as everyone got up and rushed around the ruins of the house. Victoria let out a tear as she watched everyone push over debris “It’ll be ok toria!” Victor comforted his sister who let out a quiet cry. “What happened to my pa?” Victor felt his heart drop as he looked around and couldn’t find Bruno anywhere. Victor held Victoria closer and cried with her.

After the twins had pulled themselves together they both walked over to where y/n tried to help pepa comfort Antonio “Antonio, mijo don’t cry!” y/n tried to sound reassuring but sounded on the brink of crying herself. Victor walked over and hugged y/n. “Pa loved you so much mama! I know he did!” Victor held onto his mother, victoria and victor noticed y/n had a big scrape on her leg due to her being pushed out the house and her scraping her leg on a rock outside. Pepa had noticed the scrape too and quickly had y/n sit down “Julieta come quick!” Pepa called out. Victor noticed his tia talking to Mirabel “JULIETA!” Both Mirabel and Victor looked around the ruins of the house.

“Let me help you!” Dolores helped Alma sit down on a chair they had found amongst the debris. Victor had accidentally made eye contact with y/n who just looked at victor before julieta stepped in between the two to help cover up y/n’s scrape. “Victor What did you mean by-!” y/n was cut off by julieta telling everyone mirabel was missing. That whole night the family and some of the villagers helped look for mirabel.

(A/n: I'm so sorry for not posting sooner I hope to finish writing the chapter and have it posted by next week hopefully! Fingers cross I can!! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed reading chapter eight!! I hope you all have a nice morning / afternoon /evening / night!! <33 )

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