Chapter Six

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Beauty & The Seven Foot Frame: Saving The Miracle

Bruno X Reader

Chapter Six


Victor flinched as the thunder lit up the figure's face for a second. Victor quickly ran after the figure.

Victor had to admit whoever this was they sure could run, Victor noticed he was quickly approaching the end of the makeshift staircase he was under, he slid to the ground and broke the board. He got up and started running again. He winced as he turned a corner and hit the wall hard. He heard a bunch of noises but ignored them as he chased the figure.

Victor stopped himself as he noticed a huge hole in the floor, he watched as the figure jumped the hole, using the exposed floorboards. He took a breath before running back a bit before running towards the hole. He did good till it got to the last board, it broke underneath his feet. 

Victor held onto a small part of the floor and pleaded, hoping somehow casita would help him "Please! Casita!" Victor yelled as he felt the board break, he prepared himself for the impact but it never came, he looked up and saw a man holding his hand. "You're very shaking!" The man fell behind Victor and held onto him tightly. Victor looked at the man about to ask him a question but accidentally let go of the man's hand as a rat scared him. The man let out a yell. Victor held on to the floor worried about what had happened to the man. The man popped up from the floor and fanned away the fog in the hold and revealed a little drop.

After they both got out of the hole victor looked at the man confused before realizing who he was. "...Bye!" Bruno walked away from his son. Victor looked at his dad before following him again. "Huh! Wait, hold up!" Victor followed Bruno as they walked the small hallways "Pa, what does your vision mean? Is that why you're back or ?" Bruno took in a breath as he walked. "Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock on wood!" Victor watched as his dad knocked on the wooden boards. "Pa?" Bruno sighed as he walked. "You guys were never supposed to see that vision!"

He took a pinch of salt in his hand and threw it over his shoulder. "That's my face!" Victor wiped his mouth from the salt, only to get sugar in it.

"Sana, Sana colita de rana!" Bruno mumbled to himself as he skipped over the cracks in the floor. "Have you been patching the cracks?" Victor asked Bruno who turned around and looked at him. "Oh that! No. I'm too scared to go near those things, all the patching is done by hernando!" Victor looked confused. "Who is hernando?" Victor looked over and saw Bruno had his hood over his eyes "I'm hernando and i'm scared of nothing!" Victor gave Bruno a pained look. Bruno laughed and pulled off his hood "It's actually me! I used to say my real gift was acting!" Bruno laughed. Victor looked away for a second and looked back to see Bruno with a bucket on his head holding something, "I'm Jorge, I made this spackle!" Victor let out a laugh, his laugh made Bruno peek from under the bucket and smiled as he watched his son laugh.

"Your mama loved those characters..." Victor smiled a little "speaking of mama, where is mirabel?" Being too distracted by his thoughts he didn't notice when Bruno started to go to his makeshift room.

"Mijo! Come follow us!" Victor flinched, not realizing Pedro was ahead of him. Victor followed Bruno to his makeshift room?

Victor looked around the room, he even made long eye contact with one of the rats taking a bath in an old cup. "You never left..huh!" Victor smiled as he looked over and saw Pedro taking a seat next to a red chair Bruno had in there.

"I-I-I left my tower! Which was y'know a lot of stairs and here! Ehh!" Bruno held up an arepa. "Kitchen adjacent!" Bruno clicked his teeth. "Oh oh, free entertainment! So what do you like, you like sports? Gameshow!? Telenovelas! Their love could never be!" one of the rats ran from the cut out but got replaced by another one. 

Bruno sat down on the red chair, Pedro grabbed an arepa from the plate and ate one while watching the rats act out the story. Victor just watched them both "I don't understand..." Bruno looked over before quickly standing up and got a stool for him to sit on. "Well because she's his aunt and she had amnesia but she doesn't remember she's his aunt and it's just a very forbidden kinda love story!" Victor sighed as he sat down on the small stool he was sure he and victoria used to help julieta cook in the kitchen.

"I don't understand...why you left but didn't leave!" Bruno avoided Victor's gaze, "oh well you know the mountains around the encanto are pretty tall!" he chuckled as he scratched his scruff. 

"And like I said, free food! Yeah you guys love the food, don't you!" Bruno held a rat and fed it. Victor walked over to the makeshift table and peeked out the small crack in the wall and saw the dining room. Victor looked down to the table and saw a drawn plate, next to the plate were drawings he and victoria drew when they were still little right before he had left. 

"My gift wasn't helping the family but uh I love my family y'know!" He gave a small smile and shrugged. "I just don't know how- I just don't know how to- well anyways I think you should go because um I don't have a good reason but if I did you would be like that's a good reason so I should go..." bruno sat down on his chair sadly.

Victor walked over to his dad. "Why was Mirabel in your vision pa?" Bruno just looked down and played with the fraying seams of the chair. "I doubt she wants to hurt the family! Just tell me why." Bruno looked at victor and sighed "I can't tell you...because i don't know" he pulled out the shards out his pocket and laid them out on the stool victor was sitting on. 

"I had this vision the night she didn't get her gift, abuela worried about magic and begged me to look into the future, see what it meant! And I saw the magic in danger, our house breaking and then I saw her! But it was different, it would change, like there wasn't a certain answer " he explained.

"But I knew what everyone would say cause I'm Bruno and everyone always assumes the worst so I- I-!" Bruno stuttered. "You left to protect us?" Victor looked at Bruno who sighed. "I don't know which way it'll go. My guess, the family, the encanto, the fate of the miracle itself, it'll all come down to her..." victor froze. 

Bruno quickly moved the stool away from victor "Or maybe i'm wrong! Who knows? That's why this vision is- pfft!" Bruno blew a raspberry and did a thumbs down.

Bruno gently pushed Victor to the door. "Look if I could help anymore I would but um that's all I know!" Victor sighed, Bruno gave him a side hug as he opened the door. "I wish I could've seen more!" Bruno shut the door.

Victor quickly thought over his dad's words. He quickly turned around and stormed into his dad's room "YOU WISH YOU COULD SEE MORE SO SEE MORE! HAVE ANOTHER VISION!" Bruno threw the rat he was holding.

"I don't do visions anymore!" Bruno held the chair in front of him to try and block victor. "But you could!" "But I won't!" Bruno fell onto the floor.

"You can't just leave that kind of responsibility on a fifteen year old! And plus maybe it'll show us what she needs to do!" Bruno jumped up from the floor and looked at victor. "Look even if I wanted to, which I DON'T! I don't have a vision cave! Which is a problem because I need a big open space!" Bruno deafened. "We'll find one!" Victor smiled at him. "Where?" Bruno questioned.

"Use my room!" Victor jumped out of his skin when he turned around and saw Mirabel and Antonio, who was surrounded by his animal friends. "The rats told us everything!" Antonio said proudly with Mirabel nodding behind him.

"Don't eat those!" Antonio said flatly to his jaguar, victor looked behind him and saw bruno blessing himself as he backed away from the jaguar. Mirabel walked over to Victor and Bruno "Our family needs help!" Mirabel said.

"And you need to get out of here!" Victor added. Bruno looked around then looked at mirabel, victor and antonio. He left out an okay-ish sounding noise at them.

Beauty & Seven Foot Frame ¦ Bruno Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now