Chapter Two

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Saving The Miracle

Bruno X Reader

Chapter Two

Ten Years Later


Mirabel walked around the second floor and woke her family up for the day. "How is Mirabel so happy this early?" Victor asked Camilo as they walked down the stairs to the kitchen, Camilo shrugged. "Isa! Mariano sent another gift!" julieta told Isabela as she sat down next to Victoria who read her book and rolled her eyes at Mariano's gift along with isa. After the madrigals had a quick breakfast they all started to walk into the town to help out before they needed to set up for antonino's gift ceremony.

"What are you doing today?" Camilo asked victor as they walked next to each other "Just gonna visit senor gomez so he could talk to his husband. You?" ever since the two boys were born they are always together. "Babysitting! But hey after we're done wanna play soccer (football) afterwards?" Victor nodded at his cousin as they entered the town.

"Oh my gosh it's them!" three of the town's kids said excitedly as they watched the other madrigal's enter the town. "What are the gifts?" a little girl named Alejandra said excitedly to the others.

"I don't remember all the gifts!" a little girl named Cecilia told Alejandra. Victoria smiled and waved at the three kids while walking past.

"But I don't know who is who!" Alejandra exclaimed. "Alright, alright relax!" Mirabel told the kids while chuckling. "It's physically impossible to relax!" "Tell us everything, what are your powers?" Cecilia asked mirabel. "JUST TELL US WHAT EVERYONE CAN DO!" the little boy named Juancho told Mirabel while on a coffee rush.

"And that's why coffee's for grown ups!" Mirabel smiled and led the kids to the moural the townspeople had painted of the family. 

"My tia pepa, her mood affects the weather! When she's unhappy, well the temperature gets weird" Mirabel pointed to pepa who had a cloud over her head as she worried about antonio.

"My tio bruno-!" Mirabel got cut by the people walking by "We don't talk about bruno!" Mirabel and the children looked and went back to Bruno's part. "They said he saw the future, one day he disappeared!" 

"And that's my mom julieta, here's her deal whoa! The truth is she can heal you with a meal! Her recipes are remedies for real! If you're impressed, imagine how I feel-MOM!" Mirabel laughed as julieta kissed mirabel on her cheek.

"The home of the family madrigal! Hey coming through! I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical! But I'm part of the family madrigal!" Mirabel led the kids around the town before she stopped and told the kids about the madrigal's who married into the family.

"These guys fell in love with the family madrigal! And now they're a part of the family madrigal!" Mirabel pointed to Felix, Agustin and y/n who were talking outside the bakery. "So yeah, Tio felix married pepa! My dad married julieta and my tia y/n married bruno!" Mirabel explained to the kids.

"That's how abuela became an abuela!" The kids watched as Mirabel explained the family.

"Wait, who's a sister and who's a cousin?" Alejandra asked confused as they watched the madrigal grandkids show off their gifts. "There's so many people!" Cecilia said as more kids joined in on listening to Mirabel explain the family. "How do you keep them all straight?" Juancho asked. 

"Okay, okay, okay, okay so many kids in our house! So let's turn the sound up! You know why I think it's time for a grandkid round up!" Mirabel told the kids.

Beauty & Seven Foot Frame ¦ Bruno Madrigal X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora