Chapter Eight

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Beauty & The Seven Foot Frame

Villain!Bruno X Reader

Chapter Eight


Once they got to the room, Y/n explained to Bruno that dante was her childhood best friend besides her sister, but as they grew up dante developed feelings for y/n but he grew to be quite rude to everyone. "So Dante is your childhood friend who gained feelings for you and then he left with his father and now he's back wanting to marry you?" Bruno summarized y/n explanation "Yes basically!" Bruno sighed and held his side as he slowly sat down on the bed.

Y/n noticed Bruno had scratches on his side, she quickly got a wet cloth and walked over to him. "Lift up your shirt please!" y/n asked Bruno quietly, he lifted up his ruana and his shirt so y/n could see the scratches.

"Just hold still!" y/n warned as she tried to hold the upper part of his side.

"OWW, that hurts!" Bruno complained as y/n put the cloth that had hot water on the scratches for a second. "If you hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!" y/n sassed back. "Well if you would've told Dante you were married, this wouldn't have happened!"

 "If you didn't yell at me I wouldn't have run away from here!" Bruno opened his mouth to reply but no words came out. "Well maybe you shouldn't have gone into my vision cave!" y/n's mouth dropped open "Well maybe you should learn how to control your temper!" Bruno stayed silent at y/n's words, not expecting her to snap back at him. "I did tell Dante I was already married, he's just stubborn!" y/n told Bruno as she tried to clean the outside of the scratches "...thank you by the way..." Bruno told y/n quietly. That had made y/n smile a bit. "It's no problem." the pair stayed in silence as y/n cleaned bruno's scratches "so how's your wrist? You slapped him pretty hard" y/n looked at her wrist then back at bruno "it's ok but mama alma said to go see julieta but then I ran into you!" Bruno sat up and fixed his shirt and ruana as y/n put the wet cloth on her dresser "I think you should definitely go see julieta about that bruise and those scratches!" "only if you come with, julieta can you give you something just in case with your wrist."

Y/n nodded and followed bruno to the kitchen where pepa, felix, augustin and julieta stood whispering about something "I say we get him tonight, no one messes with our brother!" Pepa said as the cloud above her head started to thunder "I agree!" Julieta nodded at her older sister's words. "Ahm!" Felix faked a cough as he looked over to where y/n and Bruno stood in the kitchen "oh Bruno, y/n what's up?" julieta asked as she walked over to the pair "julieta can you give bruno something for his bruise and scratches, please?" y/n could see pepa giving felix and augustin a 'see what he did! Let's go beat him up' look it was a familiar look since that was a look y/n would see her siblings would exchange when she got hurt by someone.

"Here, eat!" Julieta pulled out her emergency arepa's she had in her pockets. "One for mmph too" Bruno said as he ate. "Don't talk with your mouth full bruno!" Pepa scolded him from the dining room table.

Bruno groaned and swallowed his food before talking. "Julieta give y/n an arepa for her wrist just in case!" julieta handed y/n an arepa before y/n could decline it.

"No julieta i'm perfectly okay!" y/n tried to hand back the arepa but julieta pushed it back to her "y/n i'll feel better if you just eat it!" y/n sighed and bit the arepa. 


The next morning. y/n almost threw the pillows on the bed at the figure next to her, Bruno's six foot something frame laying next to her in the bed, his feet sticking out of the bed and blanket.

After y/n's panic during the morning, she had gotten up and helped make breakfast while Alma gave the family chores for the day. Y/n and Bruno had gotten the chore to help clean up the market square.

While y/n helped sweep, Bruno had noticed Dante watching y/n clean from a distance.

Y/n on the other side of the market square, she was cleaning when she got approached by dante. "What do you want now!" Y/n stared blankly at him "listen y/n I'm sorry for last night, I had too many drinks." He apologized. "Ha I'm not falling for that!" Y/n laughed and walked away from Dante and walked to the other side of the market.


Bruno ran over and helped y/n and a couple others take down the decorations "Here's this one!" Y/n said as she handed Bruno some of the streamers that were hanging up.

Y/n and Bruno helped clean up the town's market before leaving back to casita. Where the duo had to feed his rats. "C'mon Oscar, eat up!" Y/n fed the rat a piece of arepa as Bruno did the same with other rats.

Y/n noticed Bruno would scoot closer every once in a while. So y/n decided to just sit down next to him.

Bruno stiffened as y/n sat down beside him "tio bruno!" "IT'S FOUR ALREADY!" The pair turned and looked at his nieces who patiently waited for him. "Four?" y/n looked over at Bruno who chuckled as the rats ran towards the girls already knowing what time it was.

"At four I promised them I would do their telenovelas. I'm coming, it's like they're old ladies." y/n laughed and stood up and followed Bruno as he had his nieces sit down as he got the rats ready.

Y/n sat down on the floor next to luisa who moved into y/n's lap.

"This week's episode is sponsored by Julieta's Cooking! Find your local restaurant down stairs in the kitchen! And with that being said on with the show!" Bruno said as he had his hood over his eyes.

"Woo I love hernando!" Isabela cheered.

"No Jorge is better!" Luisa told her.

"Alright no fights during the show so please stay in your seats or tia y/n will get the bodyguard outside also known as your guys dad" bruno said pointing between luisa and isabela

The two quiet down as Bruno started to do the episode.

"Josefina NOOO! Who would do this to you!" "IT WAS ME JOSEFINA'S EVIL TWIN SISTER...SERAFINA!" Isabela and Luisa gasped while Dolores smiled and leaned forward.

y/n was fairly entertained by bruno's telenovela somehow josefina had a secret lover and serafina was engaged to the same man which is why serafina poisoned josefina.

"AND I'M HECTOR, I'M HERE FOR YOUR HAND IN MARRIAGE SERAFINA! I'M SO MUCH BETTER THEN CARLOS!" y/n laughed at the "hector" character, it was clearly bruno making fun of dante.

Bruno smiled a little at y/n laugh. "She has such a pretty laugh!" he thought as he continued on with the telenovela.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please Comment I love reading your guys comments give me feedback!

Beauty & Seven Foot Frame ¦ Bruno Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now