Chapter Seven

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Beauty & The Seven Foot Frame

Villain!Bruno X Reader

Chapter Seven


Alma and the community decided to have a festival for the whole town to have fun and for the town's businesses to promote their shops. Y/n helped her family with setting up their booth that had all kinds of baked goods for sale. "So how does Bruno feel about Dante?" Veronica asked y/n as the sisters set up the baked items on the table "I haven't told him about dante" y/n said quietly not looking at her older sister who stared blankly at her. "What do you mean you haven't told him!?" Veronica yelled which caused y/n to shush her.

"I haven't told him about Dante, and it's not like he even listens to me when I try to talk to him either" y/n leaned against the table. "Y/N!" a voice yelled from across the market where the other vendors set up their booths, y/n sighed before turning around to see Dante walking over to her and Veronica "Hi Dante!" she greeted "these are for you my lady!" he said as he handed "Thank you dante" "It's no problem my mama is going to be selling the jewelry she makes tonight" y/n nodded at the information dante told the pair. "Y'know y/n she also makes rings, they are very beautiful especially for beautiful ladies like yourself" y/n could tell veronica was holding a laugh, she definitely would tell victor what happened that morning while setting up.

"If you two excuse me I should go help out mama alma" y/n excused herself as quickly as she could. She walked over to Alma who watched isabela blossom flowers all around town for the festival "oh y/n there you are!" Alma locked arms with her as the pair followed behind isabela.

"Y/n do you think you could take care of the girls tonight at the festival?" Alma asked y/n as they walked towards casita. "Of course I love those girls!" y/n replied. After the eventful morning the rest of the madrigals headed back to casits to get ready for that evening.

Evening approached quickly then most of them thought. Y/n was waiting outside for the three younger madrigal girls who came running out the house giggling at something Isabela said. "Are you chicas ready?" y/n asked as the girls ran up to her "yes!" "more than ever!" "YES!- oops sorry dolores" ''it's alright" y/n laughed at their reactions "ok let's wait for your tio bruno before we go!"

Once bruno joined the girls they left with the rest of the family, the madrigal's decided to have booths for the some of the gifts, like isa had a wagon decorated in flowers, julieta and veronica shared a booth since the rivera's were bakers and julieta's food could heal people. Bruno also had a booth where if you had enough courage you could get your future read.

While y/n followed the madrigal girls around, Dante was apparently part of the small group of people who had enough courage to get their future read by bruno.

"How much for a vision?" Dante asked Bruno, who was busy watching y/n and his nieces "thirty pesos!" dante's friends tried to talk dante out of getting a vision "c'mon dante there's other booths" "I heard he gives people cursed visions!" his friends whisper to him. Dante looks over to where y/n stood, she was isabela's wagon getting a flower crown made of her favorite flowers. Dante looked back to bruno and pulled out his money and handed it to bruno who finally looked at the man standing in front of his booth.

"Alright then!" Bruno sighed, preparing for the guy to get upset over his vision. "Could you see if I have a future with a girl?" Bruno shrugged at the man and got ready to use his gift.

Bruno sighed before he lit the four piles of sand, his eyes started glowing as he saw the man hugging a familiar figure then him getting rejected by the look of his face "you're gonna get rejected by her," Bruno told Dante as he watched Dante giving someone flowers to deliver. The vision showed the girl crumping up the card he sent and throwing it away along with the flowers, the vision then cut to Dante walking up to said girl and talking to her only for her to walk away from him. "Geez this guy can't get a hint huh?" Bruno thought as he continued with his vision. "You keep getting rejected by the girl!" Dante sighed and waited for Bruno to tell him the rest of the vision.

The vision showed Dante getting beat up by a mysterious figure, said figure gets pulled away from Dante "you'll get into a fight and it looks like you lose" Bruno watched as Dante got slapped by the girl "who's the girl?" Dante asks as he leans in, "I need to see more!" Bruno told Dante as he watches the figure go over to the girl who immediately looks for any injuries, the girl looks up. "You get slapped by her and the girl is...Y/N!" The sand fell all around the two, the glowing green tablet had Dante getting slapped on it.

Bruno stood up from his booth and got dante by his shirt "you've been flirting with my wife!" like a missing puzzle piece, it clicked in dante's head that bruno madrigal was married to y/n. "YOU! YOU'RE THE PRICK THAT BEAT ME FOR Y/N'S HAND!?!?" Dante's yelling caught the attention of most of the people walking around.


"LIKE YOU EVEN REALLY CARE FOR HER!" Dante's comment made Bruno pull Dante closer to him.

On the other side of the plaza y/n told the kids to go with isabela and dolores to go play elsewhere while the adults handled whatever fight was about to break out. y/n ran to veronica and julieta's booth and asked what was happening "I think dante is gonna try to fight your husband!" y/n looked over and saw everyone surrounding the pair "oh god dante's dead!" y/n ran over to Bruno's booth as she watched them fight.

Dante had gotten some punches on bruno by not like bruno had gotten him. Bruno got pulled away by augustin and felix while dante's friends pulled dante away from bruno, y/n ran over and checked bruno and saw he had bruises on his cheek and his side.

"SOME COWARD HUSBAND YOU HAVE Y/N!" Something in y/n broke as she heard her childhood friend talk badly about her husband "LISTEN HERE DANTE, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN NICE TO YOU BUT I WILL BEAT YOU WORSE THEN BRUNO COULD, DON'T YOU EVER TALK BAD ABOUT MY HUSBAND LIKE THAT!" y/n walked over and slapped dante as hard as she could, she left dante with a bright red handprint on his cheek.

Y/n ran back over to bruno where he had a tiny smirk from watching y/n slap dante, in front of the whole town too.

Alma rushed the madrigal's inside the casita where she lectured them all but dragged y/n upstairs toward her room. Once Alma had shut the door, y/n started to apologize "Ms madrigal i'm so sorry about causing a scene but I couldn't just stand there and let him talk bad about bruno!" y/n defend. Alma let out a small laugh as she watched from her chair, y/n's expression got confused "why was Alma laughing?"

"I didn't bring you up here to yell at you mija, but to see how your wrist was..that was quite a slap!" Alma gave y/n a smile "oh it's alright i guess" y/n told alma, who patted her leg "go see what julieta could do for you!" y/n nodded and went to open the door to leave but alma called out to her "yes mama alma?" "after you see julieta you should go talk brunito! He looked quite worried when I had you come with me." y/n nodded and left the room, not looking up she ran into bruno who paced back and forth outside alma's room

"We should talk" y/n nodded at Bruno's words, The pair walked to his room to go and talk about what had happened that night.

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