Chapter One

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Saving The Miracle

Villain!Bruno X Reader

Chapter One 


Today was the day y/n and bruno dreaded. It was the twins' fifth birthday and in madrigal fashion they got to have their ceremonies. The couple had different reasons as to why they dreaded the day, Y/n dreaded the day due to her babies getting older while Bruno dreaded the day was because what would the town think if they had gotten gifts that the town deemed useless or cursed like they did his. Y/n had tried to reassure Bruno that the town wouldn’t but Bruno still chose to worry.

Y/n and Bruno woke and quickly realized they had unexpected visitors in the bed as well. Victoria’s foot was right in Bruno's face while victor’s arm was across y/n side. They both helped each other get out of the bed without waking the little devils.

The twins woke up when y/n and bruno were getting ready to help set up for the ceremony. “We get our gifts today, papi!” Victoria told Bruno as he picked her up from the bed where her and victor sprawled out. “I know mi corazón!” Bruno helped victor with one hand to sit up on the bed while y/n got their outfits for the day out.

“Do we need to wear these mama!” Victor asked y/n as he tugged on his little white suit y/n had sewn for him. “I love my dress!” Victoria spun around, showing off the white dress y/n had also sewn up. After y/n and Bruno had gotten the twins ready, they walked out the door and right into the madness of the preparations for the ceremony. “Morning Tio, Tia! Victor, Victoria!” Isabela greeted them as she walked around growing flowers all around the railing of the second floor. 

“Morning Isa!” The twins greeted back as they walked behind their parents down the stairs into the courtyard where y/n and Bruno ended up splitting apart to go and handle stuff on their own. Victoria followed y/n to the bakery where days prior y/n and Bruno went and ordered a lot of sweets for the ceremonies. “Hi tio victor!” Victoria greeted her tio as y/n and Veronica got out the orders from the backroom “Hi mija! Good luck tonight!” Victoria nodded at her tio.

After a very chaotic and crazy morning it was now time for their ceremony. Isabela grew a curtain of flowers to hide the twins behind. “Are you ready?” y/n asked the twins who nervously nodded “Me and papi are gonna stand by your guys door alright! y/n explained to her kids. “You’ll do great! I know it!” Bruno told the twins as he followed y/n out.

After y/n and Bruno left, the twins started to get nervous. “Toria! Could you hold my hand while we walk?” Victor shyly asked his sister who giggled and nodded and grabbed his hand as casita made a spotlight on the two and made a red carpet type pattern on the tiles. They both took a breath before they started to make their way up the stairs toward alma.

“Will you both use your gifts to honor our miracle, will you serve this community and strengthen our hope?” The twins nodded at alma. 

Victor got to touch the candle first since he was older than victoria by a few minutes. Victor walked over to his door and touched the doorknob, the door revealed Victor with his eyes open, glowing as he had outlines of people behind him. Y/n and Bruno looked at each other confused. Victor looked at his door then looked back at Alma and jumped as someone stood next to his abuela. “What’s wrong mijo?” Alma asked Victor cautiously. “Abulo?” y/n and Bruno looked behind Alma and saw no one there. It dawned on y/n what his gift was. y/n smacked Bruno lightly, “I think he can see the dead!” Alma smiled as Victor laughed at something his abluo told him.

Alma walked with Victoria to her door. Y/n and Bruno held each other as victoria touched the doorknob. The door showed victoria with water all around her. “Mama, papi?” Victoria looked at her parents before she decided to test her theory of her gift and evaporated into a puddle of water. Bruno, Alma and y/n started to panic for a minute before victoria transformed back into herself, giggling about her abula’s and parents reaction. Alma walked over to the railing and announced “We have new gifts!” Everyone cheered for the twins.

Victor opened his door and the room slowly showed itself, victor had a huge peaceful garden in his room. Victoria excitedly ran to her room and opened the door. Her room had a huge waterfall in the middle of the room. 

While everyone celebrated in Victoria's room. They found out not only could she turn into a puddle but she could also control water. 

“We’re so proud of you both!” y/n and Bruno told the twins as they hugged their children. 

The twins quickly ran off to go and play with their cousins. Y/n and Bruno joined everyone in celebrating the twins' new gifts.

During the party y/n had walked out of her daughter’s room and walked outside to get fresh air. While being outside y/n overheard two of the encanto’s biggest gossipers talking outside in the courtyard. “I feel so bad for Bruno's son, he doesn’t deserve such a terrible gift!” one of them said to the other “I know their daughter, oh boy, good luck with her! She’ll be another isabela!” y/n scoffed and walked inside and saw the two ladies look at y/n scared at what she would say to them.

“Hello ms.sanchez, mrs.diaz!” y/n greeted the pair as she walked past them. “Don’t talk about mine and Bruno's children! Or else I'll get Alma to throw you out for talking bad about her first paternal grandchildren. Now if excuse me I have my children’s party to get back to!” Y/n smiled and walked up the stairs. Bruno chuckled as he watched his wife be defensive but elegant at the same time.

“What?” y/n asked as she walked towards Bruno who leaned on the railing. “Nothing. Just the fact that you’ll always defend victor and toria!” Bruno smiled back at y/n. “Well yeah! Those are my babies!” y/n leaned on bruno as they watched the stars.

“Thank you y/n...” Bruno thanked his wife. “For what?” y/n turned her head to look at him. “For all of this, not leaving me when we first got married, for giving me kids. For loving me.” Y/n smiled and kissed Bruno on his cheek. “It’s no problem. I would do this all over again if i could. That’s a lie I wouldn't wanna go through finding your vision again!” The couple chuckled as they watched the stars for a bit before they went back into Victoria's room to celebrate with everyone.


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