𓆩♡𓆪 Panic

Start from the beginning

I felt someone slip their hand into my own and looked to the side to see my dad smiling at me. "You'll be okay, they're going to love you" He whispered to me, giving me a boost of confidence. "Thanks dad..."
I matched the same smile and started to get my things, opening the car door and getting out. "Alright everyone, the EU meeting starts in a few minutes so why don't you all go exploring with your brother until I get back." Dad addressed us all as we started walking towards the front doors.

The front door alone was a bought to make the average person internally shit themselves. It was huge, seemingly made from two large window like doors that opened whenever someone got close to them. The top of it read out "United Nations of the World" in bold letters.

I was in a deep state of shock at the things around me and tightly grabbed the closest hand to me. That being America. He didn't pull away, probably getting why I was holding onto him so tight. Leaning in close, he surprisingly kissed my cheek making me snap my head to look at him. "Calm down little dude, your fine okay" He gave my hand a squeeze paired with that confident smirk of his.

"I know, just anxious..."

"Right then, I'll see you boys later. And keep an eye on (Y/n) while I'm gone" Dad waved at us as we entered the building. Soon walking off to what I could only assume was his EU meeting. All around us, countries, people, and even some continents were walking in all directions. Australia then turned to me and walked closer, giving me a tight hug. "I have to go to, but I'll be back before the world meeting starts alright. See ya" And off he went as well.

Looking back at Ame, he noticed my confusion and was quick to answer. "Continent shit I guess-"
Ame was cut off by a high pitched voice from behind us, causing my anxiety to spike. I'm really about to meet my idols.
I didn't wanna look back, but I saw my brother do so, a smile making its way to his face. "Japan what's good!" He left go of my hand walked over to them. I stayed back, finally turning to look at which Japan he was talking about.

A female country in a pink school girl outfit jumped into my brothers arms, her legs making their way around his waist as she hugged him tight. Her flag was white with a red circle in the middle. Undoubtedly she was the same girl from the photos on the board. A boy that looked just like her was some ways away from the two, but from the info I knew on them. That had to be her twin brother.
I stared on, unable to hear what they were saying but still watching. Nihon said something to Ame and they looked to have a small conversation before he kissed her forehead and turned his attention back to me, signaling my presents to the other two.

Quickly I turned back around, pretending not to have seen them and shyly shuffled my way to Canada who was also talking to someone. Upon seeing this, I looked at the persons flag only to internally freak out. The person was tall, very tall with a white, blue, and red flag stacked in that order. Russia. The same guy Ame told me not to talk to.

Canada looked a bit uncomfortable but yet and still continued his conversation with the tall man; they both seemingly didn't notice me yet. Quickly looking around for my sister, I hadn't actually noticed that she had left because she was nowhere to be seen, causing my fear to spike. I was suddenly becoming aware of my position. Countries passed me, going to where they needed to be, some noticing me and staring.

They were staring at me. I didn't know who these people were and panic was setting in. "Umm... are you okay?" Someone asked me, someone? Asked? Me? What?! I stared at the person, not sure who they were, staring at their flag but not reading it. What was happening to me. "I-I...." I tried to speak but nothing was forming, no words felt real, nothing felt real. I needed one of my brothers, I needed my dad!

Turning my head back to Canada, I noticed the person he was previously talking to was staring at me, confusion and a hint of disgust in his eyes making Canada finally notice me. His eyes went wide and he started to walk towards me, saying something I couldn't understand by now. What the fucking was happening to me.

Someone put their hand on my should and I lost it. In a surge of panic and fear, I darted off in a random direction, startling everyone around me, but I didn't care. I felt like I would die if I didn't leave. I could hear my name being called by someone but I couldn't look back...

Third person POV
(Y/N) ran through the closest hallway, not sure where he was going. All eyes were on him and and two countries running after him from behind but not nearly as fast. He turned the corner, running up a flight of stars and nearly tripping while doing so. At this point, the other two had began losing sight of him as he ran further and further away from them. The boys stopped at the top of the stairs, breathing heavy. "Damn it, where did he go?!" America said out loud. A few people had been pushed to the side and others looked kind of angry so that was a sign that he had been through here, but where was he now. "Did you see a kid run past here, he's like this tall and-"
"Yeah that little shit nearly ran me over!" A angry Italy spat and pointed in the direction of a brightly lit hallway. "Sorry about that, thanks!" Canada thanked him and the two ran in the given direction, continuing the search for their little brother.



I greeted a few nations as I passed, making sure to keep my focus on the task at hand. The World meeting was starting in less than an hour and my thoughts were all over the place. Focus was one of the most important things to me so I definitely needed to think.


The loud voice of America could be heard from somewhere in the building. "What is it now..." I said to myself. He was already the loudest country I know, and usually whenever he was heard, trouble was soon to follow. I let out a sigh and decided to ignore it, turning the corner to make my way to my office, only to feel a hard push at my chest, knocking the wind out of me and nearly making me fall over.

I quickly balanced myself again and looked down at what pushed me only to see someone on the floor, holding their head. It was a boy, a country I'm assuming. He had tears in his eyes and I sensed his panic in the air. 'What's this?' I thought to myself upon seeing his pale white skin. A country without a flag... interesting. But why was he crying?

Looking around, I noticed everyone's eyes on him. Some were even attempting to talk to him which was only making his breathing worse. He must be having some kind of panic attack. That's not good for the peace in the building. "Step aside please, give him some space" I told everyone, instantly making them move away from him.

Slowly, I stepped closer to him, getting on the floor to his level and putting my hands over his own as they clutched his face. I extended my wings to wrap around us, shielding him from the curious eyes of everyone else.

"Calm down..." I spoke to him, using my influence in my voice. My hands started to glow a faint blue and I felt the boy instantly start to relax in my hands. "Look at me"
His eyes rose up to look at me, slowly focusing on my face. "Your okay, say it"
"I'm... okay..." He repeated my words back to me, never taking his (E/c) eyes away from mine. His hand fell from his face and his body went limp, leaving only my hands on his face. "Your...." He was having the slightest trouble talking but ultimately continued.
".....Your gorgeous..."

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now