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Jungguks pov:
We were outside the house for about 3 more hours after the gun incident that I may or may not have caused. Me, Namjoon, and Hoseok have just been playing cards while Yoongi popped in time to time. He was busy with his coworkers trying to figure out the best and safest plan. It was now currently nine o'clock and we had to now sit in the dark and do nothing since we couldn't see, and we weren't allowed to use flashlights found that out the hard way.

"Would you stop kicking me"

You're the one who's kicking me"

"I am not switch with Jungguk why does he get the front anyways"

"I don't know ask him you idiot he's right there"

"He's probably asleep I wouldn't want to wake him"

"With your whispering he's probably already awake"

"Shut up I'm being as quiet as possible"


"Could you guys shut up back there I'm trying to sleep, and yes Namjoon you're the worst whisperer I've ever met your normal speaking is probably quieter"

"Why do you guys have to be so mean"

"We're just being honest Joon don't take it to personal"

After our conversation I slowly started to drift off to sleep not even sure why I was so tired since I haven't don't much all day. Hoseok and Namjoon fell asleep as well and I assumed Yoongi and his coworkers weren't sleeping because they had to keep an eye out. I couldn't sleep very well, the car was cold because we couldn't have it running and the seat was uncomfortably straight up because I needed to give the two in the back some room. I would fall asleep and then soon after wake up, not having much luck I decided to check and see how Yoongi was doing. I quietly exited the car breathing in the fresh cool air from outside, I then made my way to where Yoongi was staked out.

"Hey yoongi any idea how we're going to get in yet?"

I whispered as I quietly sat down next to him the the grass. He didn't seem to be paying attention to me he seemed busy with something in his phone but I didn't bother asking. I was going to just wait till he realized I was here himself. Leaning on the side of the car we were hiding behind I found it easier to become sleepy outside rather then in the car I was in. It was peaceful out here and my eyes started getting heavy as they soon shut sleep consuming my body.

Time skip:
What felt like hours was only ten minutes. I was aggressively shaken awake from my sleep. I couldn't see who it was my eyes not focusing and it was still dark out. I assumed I didn't sleep long since it was still night. Finally my eyes adjusted and I could see everyone was up and walking around and I was confused why, were they going to be seen. I stood up frantically silently yelling at them to duck back down we are going to die. No one was listening they were just laughing off my words. I was getting mad we were going to die because they wont listen but I can't yell at them that's cause more of a scene.

I was headed to a group of people when I was spun around and met with Yoongi, he was smiling at me and laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why he was laughing of all people.

"What the fu*k are you laughing at?"

"You, you're such a dumba*s"

"What are you talking about, I'm the dumb one? What about everyone else who is just standing around about to get us killed"

"Well you angry bunny calm down, while you were taking your baby nap we got the clear to head in, everyone from the house left and I assume it's just y/n in there"

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