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One year later

*ring* *ring*

The school bell finally rings indicating the lecture is over for the day and I can finally leave this dreadful place. Getting up from my seat I pack my backpack up and leave the classroom heading for the door.

"Hey Y/n!"

I looked behind me and it was my friend Jae.


I answered back.

"You wanna come out with me and my friends for lunch since we don't have class?"

"Umm I guess yeah sure I have nothing planned."

"Good! Yay I'm so excited, come on!"

She grabbed your arm dragging you out to the parking lot. Grabbing her car keys from her bag observing the parking lot for her blinking car, since she probably forgot where she parked.

"There it is! Let's go!"

You follow close behind her to her car. You put your bag in the back seat and climb in the passenger seat shutting the door. You buckle your seat belt as Jae gets into the car and does the same as you.

"So where are we going for lunch? And what friends of yours are going to be there?"

You asked realizing you had no idea where you were actually going.

"Just Haneul,Nari,Hanna, and Ma-ri. It's this cute little cafe that just opened down the street. I read some reviews and they said it had some pretty good food and coffee!"

She sounded very excited talking about the coffee shop, I giggled listening to her explain what some of the reviews said about the place.

After a couple minutes In the car and a few more giggles and words shared between me and Jae we arrived. She parked the car near the entrance and we both exited the car.

Closing the car door I observed the coffee shop. It was quite small from the outside but looked like it's bigger on the inside. It was very quaint, it was square shaped with tan walls. A big sign above the clear glass doors said COFFEE in brown letters.

"Looks nice"

You mumbled to yourself as you followed Jae into the coffee shop. Walking in the ding of the bell on the door rung, indicating the workers new customers had arrived.

"Good afternoon, welcome to One Sip Coffee where you are guaranteed to come back after the first sip."

A very friendly worker said to you and Jae as you walked past the counter.

"Good afternoon"

You greeted back as Jae just walked by without saying anything to the young man.

You both walked to the far table in the corner that sat by a big window that out looked the town. You took a seat by Hanna and Ma-ri, while Jae sat by Haneul and Nari.

"What can I get you ladies."

Someone said next to you, the worker from earlier I guess is a waiter too.

"I'll just take a hot chocolate. If you have that."

You said as you don't really enjoy the taste of coffee as much as you like the smell. The rest of the girls ordered there coffee drinks and we all began chit chatting again.

"Guys I have a date tomorrow afternoon with this hunk of a guy Jase. We met on this online dating app I just got a couple days ago."

Hanna said

"Really well let us know how it goes, and take pictures of him so we can see what he looks like."

Said Nari

"Hey Y/n, have you been on date since the whole.....ya know Mark thing."

Hanna asked me

"Ahhhh no I haven't. I guess I haven't had the time ya know with school and stuff."

You lied, you had plenty of free time, but you hated talking about Mark. Being divorced only just a year it was still hard to talk about him with what he did too you.

You should find someone on the app I use, there's some real hotties on there I'm sure you'd find a match. I'll send you the link.

"Thanks Hanna I might try it, if I feel like it."

I know this story really isn't getting anywhere so far but just keep reading ;)

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