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After a couple minutes of walking, well of Jugguk walking while carrying you, you both finally reached your front door.

"Well thank you Jeongguk for carrying me home, I really do owe you something for carrying such a heavy load such a long distance."

You said intended as a joke but,

"Yeah you definitely do owe me, I think I pulled a muscle carrying you all this way"

"Oh shut up would you, it was a joke" You said lightly slapping his shoulder.

"Hahah, I knew that"

"Anyways thanks again,"

"No problem, but may I come in?"

"Ummm why would you need to come in?"

"Well I did bring you all this way so I will help you with your wound too since I was the one who caused it."

"No no you don't need to do that haha, and I did it to myself as you said before no need for you to come in"

You weren't completely sold on him not being a creep so you weren't very comfortable with him coming into your home, as you only just met him.

"Well I want to help, and I was following you for a reason, I need to discuss something with you"

"Oh, umm can't you just tell me out here haha"

"Well it's not that easy to just tell you on the porch of your house in the dark, and it's a lot to say and you umm well you look like you're in pain, so?"

"Well I guess you can come in then"

You then grabbed the key from your bag slowly opening the door, kicking off your shoes and hanging your bag up. Jungguk slowly follows behind you, taking off his shoes as well, following you into your living room.

You plop yourself down onto the couch, the exhaustion finally hitting you from all the running you did, and your wounded knees.

"Umm do you have a first aid kit anywhere?"

"Oh yeah I do, it's in my bathroom cupboard but I can get it"

You said as you started getting up from the couch

"No no you're injured let me help, where's your bathroom?"

"Just down the hall, first door on your left"

"Got it, I'll be right back"

Jungguk then got up heading towards where you said the bathroom was. Walking in he turned on the light assuming you meant the cupboard below the sink he opens it searching for the kit. Grabbing it turning off the light he heads back to the living room where your at.

You slowly started to doze off while Jungguk left, replaying all the things that happened today really made you exhausted. As you started to shut your eyes and go into dream land you were interrupted by a loud voice.

"I found it!"

"Ahh good for you"

You said slightly annoyed as all you wanted to do all day since your "date" with TaeHyung was to be in the comfort of your bed Asleep.

"Ahh sorry I didn't mean to be so loud, but let me help your wounds now"

"Alright then"

"Umm actually"

Jungguk started, you noticed a slight blush forming on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck


"It would be easier for me to bandage if, if your full leg was exposed, you may need to take your pants off"


"Uh I mean...."

"No I can just go in my room and change into shorts, haha don't worry I'll be right back wait here"

You then got up from the couch and slowly walked up the stairs to your bedroom. Taking off your now destroyed jeans, you toss them in the trash throwing on a pair of sleeping shorts you head back downstairs.

Walking into the living room you observe what Jungguk was doing. He was sitting out all the necessary items from the first aid kit on the couch getting them ready for you.

You found it quite....cute

'What am I even talking about'


Realizing you said that aloud you avoided Jungguks question, you went and sat down on the couch next to Jungguks little set up.

"Fix me up doc"

I said to Jungguk with a childish smile on my face

"Umm alrighty then"

I quietly observed Jungguk while he attended to my wounded knees. He did everything so gently, first cleaning the wound of any dirt that may have gotten in it from the sidewalk. He then applied an ointment to help the wound heal faster, while he applied the ointment I hissed in pain because it stung.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry"

"No, no it's alright it just stung a little bit"

"Okay then"

And with that he got back to my wounds, after applying the ointment he grabbed two giant bandages and stuck them to my knees making sure they were secure. Then he wrapped some wrap around both knees to make sure the bandages didn't come off.

"All done!"

"Thank you so much"

Jungguk then cleaned up the stuff he got out, returning the first-aid kit to the bathroom and throwing away the trash. He then joined you back in the living room sitting in a chair you had that sat across from the couch you were sitting on.

"So umm what did you want to discuss with me?"

Finally getting to the real point as to why you had a stranger in your house, patiently waiting for him to answer you adjusted yourself on the couch sitting up a little to give him your full attention.

"Right, I almost forgot about that. Well umm you may want to prepare yourself for this"

"I'm fine it can't be that bad just tell me already"

"Okay, well let me introduce myself again but fully this time"


You said confused as you already knew his full name was he had told you earlier.

"I am Jeon Jungguk, actually agent Jungguk and I work for the FBI, and I'm here to talk about the investigation I was assigned to dealing with your umm boyfriend, Kim Taehyung."


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