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Waking up to the sound of your alarm, you groaned while moving around in bed, today was Wednesday and you remembered it was your first day of work. You had it after school but you were still excited to finally start earning some money again. You weren't even sure how you still had money to pay for your house and college. I guess your parents left you with a lot of college and rent money you didn't know about. But it was eventually going to run out so you needed to start living on your own for good. You also had to go visit Taehyung today to clear the air between you guys after your flight from Monday night. He completely avoided you yesterday and you just let him be giving him space, and you didn't really want to talk to him either since he was the one who continued to accuse you of cheating on him with Jungguk.

You quickly got ready for school and grabbed a pair of clothes to wear at work since you weren't sure if they provided any. Running out the door you noticed you were going to be late for class. You decided to run to the school because you didn't have money to pay for the bus.

Time skip

You had work at 12:30. It is currently 12. You knew you would make it there in time if you took the bus, you ran out of class and to the bus stop patiently waiting for it to arrive. You sat there for a good 10 minutes before it finally arrived. Getting on you paid the bus driver the last $20 you had in your bag. Taking a seat in the back of the bus I glance at the window I didn't put my AirPods in as it was only 10 minutes on the bus.

You glance at your glance at your phone and the time read 12:24 you had only 6 minutes till
you were late. Breaking you out of your thoughts was the bus stopping knowing you were there you jumped up from the seat and ran out of the bus. Running into the coffee shop you quickly do to the mangers office to ask for directions.

Walking into the manager's office he gave you a pile which you assumed was your uniform. You quickly went to the back and got changed. You were a trainee so You were assigned to someone to teach you the basics of what to do. Like how to work the cash register and how to wait tables, you weren't allowed to make coffee yet since you were brand new to all of this. You were assigned your first customer to take their order and you were very nervous that you would mess up, you took a deep breath and walked over to their table.

"Would you like to order or do you need more time?"

"No we are ready, I would like just a black coffee please,"

"And I would like a hot chocolate"

"Alrighty I'll be back with your order soon"

You then walked away pleased with how your first order went

Throughout the day you got more and more comfortable with take orders and waiting on the tables. You weren't nervous anymore you really got the hang of it. Your shift was almost coming to and end when there was on table you had left. Walking up to it there was just one girl sitting there, grabbing your pad of paper and pen you prepare to take her order.

"What can I get you ma'am?"

"Umm I'll just take a latte please"

"Of course!"

Looking up at her when she said that you stated at her for a second, you recognized her from somewhere but you couldn't remember. Shaking out of your thoughts you walked away going to tell the barista her order. Waiting for the coffee you stood there trying to figure out who in the world she was and why she look familiar. Glancing back at her she was just silently scrolling on her phone.

'Who is she?'



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