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"He's perfect"

Waking up to the sound of my alarm was probably the worst part of the day. Bright and early before the sun is even up at 6:30 am. I only have one class today though so it's not as bad as other days. My class starts at 7:30 so I begin to get ready.

Climbing out of bed and rubbing my eyes trying to see In the dark room. Heading towards the bathroom I turn on the lights unable to see because of the brightness. After finally adjusting to the light I turn on the shower to get it heated up, in the meantime I collect the clothes I'm going to wear today and set them on the sink. I hop in the shower and wash my hair, body, and face.

Getting out of the shower I dry off and put my clothes on, apply a little makeup after brushing my teeth. I then leave the bathroom grabbing my phone and I head downstairs. Checking the time it is 7:00 I don't have time to make breakfast, so I just grab a granola bar from the cupboard.

I put my shoes on grab my bag and head out the door to class.

I'm so glad I only have one class today, plus it gets over at 11:00 so I'll have plenty of time to get ready for my lunch date. I almost completely forgot about it till I got a notification form Taehyung saying he was excited to meet me.

Reaching my class I walk to the back of the room and sit in my regular seat, pulling out my textbook and notebook ready to take notes. Hanna walks into the classroom.

'I wonder what she needs'

Hanna walks over to you and sits in front of you, sitting her bag in the floor she turns her self towards you.

"Hey Y/n! I didn't know you were in this class too. I usually sit on the other side of the room probably why I didn't notice you."

"Ah I didn't know you were in this class either. How was last night with Jae and the others?"

"It was really fun you should have come, Jae met a guy and they went home together."

"Really! What happened after that?"

"Not sure she hasn't talked to me today. Did you download that dating app I sent you yesterday."

Hanna asked while she started unpacking her bag grabbing her textbook and notebook out.

"Uh actually I did, and I have a lunch date today with a guy I matched with."

"Oh my god no way, I didn't think you were actually going too! That's great!"

"Yeah haha"

You laughed nervously, you hardly ever talk to Hanna so you weren't sure why you were telling her all of this. But I guess she was the one who gave you the idea.

After chatting with Hanna for a couple more minutes the professor came into the room to start the lecture.

Today's lecture felt like it took eternity to finish. You weren't really paying attention to it at all as you were distracted by the date you were going on in less than 2 hours. Thinking maybe he is going to be the one, wondering what his voice is going to sound like, what he will look like. How he's going to smell, what his style is like, does he want kids and how many. Realizing you weren't paying attention at all you didn't hear the bell ringing.

"Hey Y/n the bell rang"

"Huhh...oh sorry haha thank you for telling me"

Glancing down at your watch it read 11:20 realizing class went longer than you had expected so now you have less time to get ready for your date.

"Shoot uh I gotta go see you tomorrow Hanna"

Packing your stuff back in your bag and running out of the classroom you sprint to your house. Unlocking your door it was now 11:30 you have 30 minutes to get changed and make it to the Cafe.

'I can't be late to my first date come on Y/n'

Quickly glancing at your closet you grab a black and white plaid skirt, and a black turtleneck long sleeve shirt and head to your bathroom to quickly change and reapply the makeup you put on this morning. Running down the stairs almost slipping and falling you slip on a pair of converse. Grabbing your bag you lock your door and head to the bus station.

You check your phone and it is 11:54, knowing it will take at least 10 minutes to get there you sigh in defeat knowing your going to be late to your first date with this guy.

The bus finally arrives you get on and find a seat in the back, popping in your airpods to pass the time. 10 minutes went by quicker than you thought, checking the time it read 12:15.

'Great i'm 15 minutes late.'

Walking into the cafe you look around at all the tables to spot the man you have only seen the profile picture of. Observing the tables and all the people you spot one guy at the far back table you and your friends sat at yesterday. Thinking that must be him you slowly approached the table.

"Hi....are you umm Kim Taehyung?"

"Yes, oh my god you're Lee Y/n right?"

"Yes, yes I am"

"I thought you stood me up haha I was kinda nervous and embarrassed to be honest. But please sit down."

I sat down in the chair that sat directly across from him, observing his face as I did so he was a lot more handsome in person than I had imagined. His face was so symmetrical it was honestly scary. He looked like a prince. He had somewhat of a heart shaped face with a sharp jaw. And the shape of his lips are very subtle; it almost looks as if he was wearing lipstick. He had dark brown hair that lightly covered his forehead, and was long enough to be touching his ears. His eyes were dark brown orbs that stared intensely and definitely which you can easily get drowned into with how sharp and breathtaking his stare was. Eyes that can cut like a knife and at the same time, eyes that can look through a soul. Unearthly beautiful.


"Ah yes did you ask something, sorry haha"

I laughed nervously just now realizing how long I was staring at him. I scratched the back of my neck embarrassed he caught me staring impatiently waiting for him to say something.

"I just asked what you would like me to order for you, and it's alright I know I am handsome"

He said as he flipped his hair back with a playful smirk on his face causing me to giggle at his actions. He too began to laugh.

"I'll just take a hot chocolate please"

"Got it!"

He said after giving me a thumbs up, getting up from his seat he goes over to the counter to place our orders.

"I also ordered us a brownie, if that is okay with you."

"Yes it's fine, I love brownies."

Sorry if this is no good this is my
first time writing anything so I hope you like it so far :)

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