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"I know you probably are confused but just let me explain"

"Explain what! What are you even investigating he's done nothing wrong!"

You shouted getting up from the couch

"Calm down and just let me explain please"

I rolled my eyes, now very annoyed with him. Sitting back down I lean all the way back on the couch letting out a deep sigh

"Fine, explain to me how my boyfriend is part of your "investigation""

You said in a very annoyed tone making direct eye contact with him

"Okay then, I was assigned this case a week ago. It was first assigned to me as a missing persons case of a young women, it said she was reported missing for 3 days. A simple case so I did some digging into her personal life and information. I found she recently went on a couple dates with some guys from a dating app on her phone. We hacked into her accounts to see who she was matched up with and what the guys names were. She had only went matched with three guys so we decided to talk with the guys she went on the dates with too see if they had anything to do with why she was missing. We talked to two of the guys and the both claimed they hadn't seen her since the one date they went on and never talked to her again. We checked and it was true, so we had one last guy to check. So we tried looking him up to find his address but couldn't find anything like he didn't exist. We then hacked into his account of the dating app and found he did in fact contact this girl. There conversations were bare not much to go off but it appeared they went on at least two dates, she had sent him a message and he never responded and that was it. I then looked more into his profile and found he was matched with someone else. You."

You sat there on the couch trying to process what Jungguk just told you, none of it really making any sense. Taehyung was dating someone while he was dating me? Does he have something to do with why this girl is missing? Am I in danger?

"So what are you saying exactly?"

"I'm saying your boyfriend may have something to do with this missing girl case."

Not knowing what to say or even how to react, you sat on the couch staring blankly at the wall.

"I...I don't understand..... none of this even makes sense"

You managed to choke out as you were now on the verge of tears with so many confusing thoughts going through your mind. You started to get a headache from all of it not helping with your fragile state. You just wanted him to leave you alone so you could rest and forget about all of this nonsense he was telling you, but you somewhat believed.

"I know it probably doesn't make much since but I just need your help"

"Help with what?"

"I just need to talk to Taehyung to confirm he hasn't seen the girl since his last date with her."

"Well I can't help you there, he hasn't talked to me since 3 o'clock this afternoon, he hasn't answered my calls or texts so I don't know what you want me to do!"

You said slightly yelling you were now getting angry realizing Taehyung had been cheating on you with this girl and maybe even others.

"So you haven't seen him at all today?"

"No, we were supposed to see each other for dinner but he stood me up."

"Okay that's good Information thank you"

"Yeah whatever"


"Can you please leave?"


"Sorry for my rude tone, but it's late and I have had a long exhausting day and now with all this information I'm tired and sore and I have a headache. Could we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Ahh yes of course I'm so sorry for taking up so much of your time"

"No no it's fine"

You then stood up followed by Jungguk leading him towards the door.

"Thank you for carrying me home and dressing my wounds it means a lot"

"No problem it was the least I could do after "chasing" you haha"

"Haha yes true, so I'll talk to you tomorrow about all this?"

"Ah yes let me give you my number so we can set up an appointment to talk"


He then handed you a little slip of paper that looked to be his business card. You then opened the door and you both said your goodbyes again. Waiting for him to be out of sight you shut your door. You were feeling kind of uneasy with the whole thing, you locked your door and made sure all your windows and back door was locked as well. Not trusting of what Jungguk said was true or false you didn't want to find out.

You headed upstairs to take a bath after this long hectic day it's what would clear your mind and help you relax the most. After the bath was filled you slipped off your clothes and stepped into the bath avoiding water on your knees. You laid in the water propping both legs on the bathtub so your knees weren't in the water. Sighing at the great feeling the water did to your body you finally were relaxed.

You soon drifted off to sleep in the bath but I didn't last long as your phone began to ring. Groaning in frustration you get out of the bath dry off and put your robe on. Heading to your room you look at the caller Id it read.TAE.

Your hands began to shake not knowing why you were so nervous or even scared you decided to answer the call.

On call
Tae: hey babe sorry I couldn't make it to dinner I got caught up in something
Me: you mind telling me what that something was, because I know you weren't at work

You decided to say thinking you'll catch him even though you didn't actually check if he was at work or not.

Tae: umm I had work to do outside of the office
Me: yeah I'm sure, I waited at the restaurant for 2 hours for you to lie to me. Just tell me where you were
Tae: umm.....I can we not discuss this now I'm exhausted from all the work how bout tomorrow for brunch?
Me: I actually have plans with on of my friends for brunch maybe another time I'll talk to you later tae

Before you hung up the call you swore you heard a female voice on the call. Still not hanging up you wanted to see if he realized you hadn't hung up yet.

Tae: come on babe you said we would take a shower together get off the phone please babe

You heard a whiny female voice talking from his side. You gasped but not to loudly not wanting him to hear. You hung up the phone and threw it across the room. You fell to your knees and bursted into tears not realizing that he was actually cheating on you the second time in your life you have been cheated on. You didn't want to believe what Jungguk said but hearing it for your self you believed him now.

Calming your self down you changed into your pajamas and climbed into bed, relaxing under the warm covers your exhaustion finally hitting you, you drifted off to sleep instantly.

I'm scared this isn't any good, But I am having a fun time writing it I hope you guys like it :)

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