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"What the heck"

You were now standing in your bedroom alone confused at what had just happened between you and Jungguk. What was any of that even supposed to mean. But really all you knew was you found a new Jungguk, a jealous Jungguk. He was obviously mad about you having Jimin over, all the other times Jimin has gone home before he got there so this never happened, and you really didn't expect it to happen at all. You wanted to talk to Jungguk about this to see if you were right. All you need was a reaction from him to defend himself and say he's not jealous and that will mean he is.

You stormed out of your room and barged open his door without knocking which was the best idea. He was standing in the middle of his room in only grey sweat pants, but in the process of putting a shirt on. You got a quick glimpse of his body, and it was hot he had such defined abs.

"Do you know how to knock?"

"No I don't,"

"Okay, do you need something"

"Yeah, out of all the jungguks I know, Jealous Jungguk really isn't my favorite."

"W-what are you talking about"

He looked nervous, he began scratching the back of his neck and fidgeting with his fingers. You just had to keep pushing till you got what you needed.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were jealous of Jimin. I mean who wouldn't be."

"I'm not jealous of him"

He defended instantly

"It's okay you don't have to lie, I'd be jealous of  myself if I had abs like his, god I'd kill for those"

"Y-you've seen him shirt-shirtless"

"Yeah of course why wouldn't I, I mean and his hands they are so dang soft, his eyes are like little pools of honey and his lips god his lips are-"

"Okay! Shut up we get it he's perfect"

He looked hurt when he said that. That's not what you wanted, you wanted to see him get mad and jealous again not hurt. You watched as he walked over to his desk and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. You sighed, you wish he'd stop that's the one thing you hate about Jungguk is his smoking addiction. You've wanted to say something about it but you're afraid he'll get mad. At the moment you really feel like you should say something, it's not like he's going to listen to you anyways.



"Umm I umm can you stop smoking?"

"And why would I do that hmm"

"Because it's bad for you, your killing yourself with those, you need to stop"

"I don't have to listen to you, now get out of my room I'm tired. Go sleep with your boyfriend and leave me be"

"My boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend"

"Yeah you do your new boyfriend Jamin or whatever"

"It's Jimin, and I already told you were just friends, my only boyfriend is Taehyung."

"You mean the boyfriend who's cheating on you, I thought since you knew he was you'd cheat too."

"Umm well I don't have anyone to cheat on him with and we're technically still dating I don't want to be the one getting caught as the cheater"

"You're too nice, just stop"

"I'm too nice?"

"Yeah you're too nice to everyone all the time, how are you not tired of it, you pretend to like people when I know you actually don't and want to be rude to them so just be rude"

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