Their presence suddenly caused a shift in the atmosphere and all of a sudden all eyes were on them. I immediately recognized two of the girls, Naomi was among them.
Yes! Naomi derin's ex!
Derin immediately recognized her, his face falling in a hard scowl suddenly angered by her presence confusing me.
What did happen between them?.. I still haven't asked him though..
The second girl I recognized was the white girl, the step daughter of the chairman of Lys oil. And she was the one holding the puppy. But what was Naomi doing with this girls? They screamed money! And fame..
I know Naomi's from an affluent family too but.. I don't think she's that important to be seen with this girls..

They all walked in, wearing clothes that I didn't think were allowed in this school. Walking in with so much poise and class, I was marveled secretly wishing to be like them. Their perfume thick and skin smooth and glowing as they finally walked into the cafe.  Immediately they entered everyone inside turned to stare at them admiring them and they seemed to bask in the stares oozing confidence.

Naomi's eyes found our table, her eyes widening at the sight of Derin. Her lips quirking up in an excited smile to see him, getting me a bit jealous.
Why was I feeling this way? I have a boyfriend.. it's just something about Naomi being with him makes me feel... mad.
I watched her whisper into her friends ears, the white one rolling her eyes but decided to go along with her as they all walked towards our table my eyes wide as saucers!

"Derin.."I called
"Yeah?" He answered scrolling through his phone.
"Naomi's walking over here" I said feeling dreadful.
"What do you mean Naomi's.."
"Hi Derin" she said chirpy as she stood right in front of us cutting him short.
Derin's face fell into an expressionless look as he stared up at her and friends. But my mind was just blank as I stared at the other two girls. They looked too important to be in my presence, I noticed the third girl admiring Amos who seemed busy on his phone not caring about what was currently happening..

Looking up at the third girl, I admired her features. She was obviously biracial, because she had thick full curly hair, hollow cat eyes, a button nose and plump pink lips. She was slim but had curves in the right places.
"Can my friends and I sit here? There are no free tables.." Naomi said sweetly with a pout..
Derin just rolled his eyes, not saying anything and I guess she took that as a yes because she immediately sat down next to him. Her other friends joining us too causing Amos to finally realize that we weren't alone.

"Hey Tami" she greeted too sweetly for my liking causing shivers to run up my spine..
She freaks me out..
"Hi" I answered softly.
"So Naomi, aren't you going to introduce us to your friends?" The third girl spoke up giving Amos seductive looks..
"I'm so sorry guys.." Naomi answered with a laugh.
"Guys, meet Derin, Amos and Tami.. we went to the same tutorial academy" she answered.
I'm surprised she didn't introduce Derin as her ex..
"Derin, meet my friends Clarissa and Maya" she said with a smile trying to her his attention.
Derin just muttered a simple hi, which maya responded with a smile. Maya seemed nice, but Clarissa just had a straight face all through not saying anything and sorta hating the situation she was currently in.
"Naomi, I'll just get my latte and be in the car" Clarissa spoke up surprising me, her British accent really prominent.
"Alright Clara, maya and I will just join you in like twenty minutes" Naomi said holding derin's arm with him trying to swat her away from him.
"Whatever" Clarissa muttered picking up her dog and leaving the table.
My phone beeped showing I just got a text from  Tony. A smile broke out on my face opening his text and replying immediately. He wanted to find out if I had settled in well and was adjusting to the university's atmosphere.
"So tami, What rank are you in?"Naomi asked getting my attention.
"Fifth" I answered shortly
She gave me a passive once over making me feel self conscious before answering me.
"Isn't fifth rank for like scholarship students?" She asked feigning ignorance causing me to roll her eyes at her hypocritical way of insulting me.
"Not just scholarship students Naomi.." I answered.
"I see, Well I'm in third rank" she said sweetly flicking her long weave to the back.
"Figures" I muttered with sarcasm..
"So Amos, we're having a party tomorrow at this hotel in VI and you're invited" maya said sweetly, holding unto his arm.
"Derin and I have plans tomorrow so we'll pass" Amos said briskly giving Derin eye signals to play along seeming uncomfortable by Maya's persistence.
I thought Amos was a player, but I was wrong.. I guess don't judge a book by its cover.
"Is that true Derin?" Maya asked turning to look at him giving him a pout.
"Uh.. yeah, yeah. I'm taking him to see his dentist" Derin blurted out causing me to snort in amusement as Amos glared at Derin in disbelief.
Dentist? Really Derin?.. unbelievable
"Yeah... I have a dentist appointment tomorrow" Amos said going along with derin's funny lie.
"Oh.." maya said sounding disappointed.
"Some other time okay.." Amos offered politely causing maya to beam a lovely smile.
"Alright, gimme your number then so I can text you" maya asked giving Amos her iPhone to type his number in.
She really wasn't letting him go that easily..
Amos typed in his number, maya immediately saving it an excited smile on her face.
"Naomi, we really should go before Clarissa kills us" maya said shuddering a bit in dread.
"Yeah you're right, Bye Guys" she said standing up from her seat.
"I'll text you hot stuff, bye" Maya said kissing Amos on the cheek surprising all of us including him.
"Bye Derin" Naomi said sweetly touching his shoulder before finally walking off with her friend.
"Well that was weird" I muttered
"Really weird.." Derin said agreeing with me as we both turned to look at a frozen Amos laughing at his expression.
Maya really got him good. He can't even move.

I felt refreshed after the lovely shower I just had, wrapping myself in my towel walking back into the room. Desola sat on her bed listening to music on her headset scrolling through her phone, I removed my towel putting on my night gown and putting on my bonnet sitting down on my bed. After the weird outing today with Derin, he dropped me off in front of my dorm promising to pick me up early on Monday so we can both go collect our things from the student office.

My phone rang, Tony calling me making me smile in excitement. I've missed talking to him and i needed the distraction.
But I've been wondering what happened with me back at the cafe when Naomi showed up.. why did it affect me when she wrapped her hands around Derin?.. wasn't I yet over him?..
I picked up, shaking my head of all disturbing thoughts Tony's voice in range making me feel warm all over.
"Hey sweetheart.."
"Hi tony.."
"I miss you.." he said making me blush
"I miss you too.."
"How's it like there? Is your roommate nice to you?" He asked sounding concerned
"Yes she is.. she's the best, and crown lake is.. it's alright" I said
"I'm glad you're okay.. I was starting to get worried"
"You just love me too much don't you" I teased causing him to let out a laugh..
"I'm your boyfriend tami, it's my job to love you.."
Fuck! That was.. really romantic to say.. He was my boyfriend and he loved me, I should stop thinking about Derin and enjoy what I have. This is my chance to move on and feel what it means to be loved by someone.
"Aww.. well what's my job then?"
"Hmm.. prolly kissing me all day, I never get tired of your lips tami.. they're like cocaine to me.." he said making me laugh in amusement.
"Now you're just exaggerating baby.." I said
"Did you just call me baby?.." he asked in surprise making me realize and blush shyly..
"Yeah why?.."
"Cos that was fucking cute sweetheart! Say it again.." he pushed
"No.." I said with a giggle
"C'mon tami.. please.." he begged sweetly causing me to giggle
"Baby.." I muttered softly and I heard him release an excited squeal causing me to laugh loudly..
"Tami.. you're eventually gonna kill me with your cuteness!"
"C'mon tony, stop being so cheesy.." I said the smile not leaving my face..
"I'm only cheesy for you sweetheart.." he said causing my heart to melt..
"Goodnight tony.. I'm really tired" I said with a yawn..
"C'mon, don't go yet.." he begged cutely..
"But I'm really tired.." I said softly.
I heard him sigh on the other end before finally making a decision...
"Alright baby, I'll talk to you later.."
"Goodnight tony.."
"Goodnight tami.." and with that he hung up as I laid on my bed and drifted off to sleep..

Next chapter coming right up..
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