Choice and Decision

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My first impression of that human wasn't exactly impressive. But after I have gone through his rigorous training, I'd soon realize that I was quick to judge. The human has proven themselves to be more capable than I first initially thought. Nonetheless, he's still an idiot.

I can tell that the human has grown fond of me. However, I have no intention of becoming his slave in the first place. Once I have my revenge, we will separate and I shall be on my way.

That is until I've grown quite fond of him too.

There aren't many likable traits that the human has, but the determination that he has shown is something that I admire.

But now, I'm starting to doubt my own word.

Because of the human, we got surrounded by a horde of enemies. With no way of escaping, the only way out of this situation is to fight through and defeat every one of them.

I begin by charging forward, defeating the enemies, one by one. The other look at me in fear, slowly backing away, but I won't let them. I go after the rest, not letting any of them escape.

The human seems to be doing his part too. Our training together has proven to be more beneficial than we first thought, seeing as how he manages to handle himself amongst the enemies quite fine.

Surely enough, the battle starts to turn in our favor, as the number of foes reduces slowly.

But luck just wasn't always on our side. Not until the moment that those 2 Nidorinoes got up and start fighting.

I must admit, I'm starting to struggle a bit after the sudden increase in numbers. However, I still have my evolution in case thing goes wrong. Should they push me back any further, I will stop holding back and unleash my true strength.

Too engrossed in a battle, I was unaware of the state of my human companion. By the time I realize what happened, he's already got struck by Nidorino's multiple stings attack, making his body stumble onto the ground.

I quickly recognize the attack as Poison Sting, an attack that has a chance to poison the enemy... a poison that's lethal enough to kill someone, someone like him.

At that moment, I feel rage. Rage that I've never experienced before. It's like that day all over again, but way worse. Anger slowly consume me, and I was starting to see red. I look at those 2 Nidorinoes, those that subject me through humiliation many days ago. They were stomping his hand, making him suffer before taking his life away. At that point, I felt something inside of me snap, then I stop holding back.

Light begins to shroud me, as my body grows larger and larger until I evolve into Nidorino. With the newfound strength and power, I destroy the enemies in my sight, using multiple barrages of my Fury Attacks.

By the time it is over, there was silence. I look toward the fallen human that was supposed to be my trainer, the one that gave me purpose to live on and help me in my conquest of vengeance. He gave me one last smile before fainting away.

That was when I made the decision that will forever change my life. I will become his pokemon, and he will become my master.

 I will become his pokemon, and he will become my master

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