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Author Note: This is basically a self-insert of what if I was in a Pokemon game universe and how I would do things. The protagonist is the original character that was born and lives in the universe, not an Isekai character. The journey starts in Kanto.

 The journey starts in Kanto

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So... how am I going to do this again?

Right, Hi! You don't know me, but I might know you. Wait no, that's not how it goes, is it?

Ok, scratch the introduction part. You're here because you want to know something about me... or a part of me. I meant my story. Yeah! You're here for my story.

Well buckle up pal because you're in for one heck of a ride and lemme tell ya, my story is one heck of a tale.

Enough rambling! Let's jump straight right into it!

Everyone always dreams to become a pokemon trainer one day in their childhood or at one point in their lives, we gotta leave home for a pokemon journey one day, right?

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Everyone always dreams to become a pokemon trainer one day in their childhood or at one point in their lives, we gotta leave home for a pokemon journey one day, right?

Well... that's not exactly the case for me. I don't really have the luxury of money or wealth to go on one of those journeys. To summarize, I'm poor, as in really really poor. My parent won't let me leave the house unless it was something to do with getting money. So, I did what any unadulterated son would do in this situation.

I ran away from home.

In hindsight, it was kind of a stupid idea. I mean, I have a roof under my head and food to enter my mouth. But let's be honest, I'm not exactly the brightest tool in a shed. Ah well, what's done is done.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I live in Pewter City, the one where Rock gym is located at. Once I turn 18, I'm supposed to go work there as a gym trainer. Well, here I am! 21 and still unemployed.

What? You think I was younger than that? Come on! Age is just a number. I may have the body of an adult but I'm still a child at heart.

Don't let the police hear this though. They could accuse me of being a pedophile.

Back to running away, I have 2 options to choose from. Either I go through Viridian Forest or I go through Mount Moon. And lemme tell you, both options are horrible.

Don't get the wrong idea, I don't exactly hate bugs pokemon. It's just that once I'm out of Viridian forest, there's really not a lot of places for me to go. Between Viridian City and Pallet Town, there's just the guy that prevents anyone from entering Indigo League without all the gym badges.

Well, what about Mount Moon? Yeah, Let's talk about Mount Moon. The mountain itself isn't actually bad once you get used to it. What's not good on the other hand is that eyeless creature that lives inside the mountain.

To put it in 3 words. I. Hate. Zubat.

Supersonic, supersonic, super-motherfucking-sonic. Shit is annoying as fuck! I went in there as a kid. Never again! No way in hell I'm going back to that place.

So with that in mind, where else could I go? Well luckily for me, there's actually a place called Route 3 between Pewter City and Mount Moon. That place itself isn't interesting or anything besides a few trainers and there.

What's really caught my interest however is the pokemon that live in there, more specifically, the Nidorans.

That's right, I love Nidorans. Well, not the Nidorans themselves but their final evolution, the Nidoking, and Nidoqueen, are cool as fuck. I mean, have you seen one up close? Because I did and oh boy are they huge.

With that in mind, I begin my journey toward Route 3 to find myself a trusty Nidoran.

With that in mind, I begin my journey toward Route 3 to find myself a trusty Nidoran

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Good news! I found myself a Nidoran.

Bad news! He's getting beat up.

Well, beat up would be putting it lightly since this fellow Nidoran here is getting pummeled by 2 Nidorinoes. Now I would say this is borderline bullying but I'm pretty sure those 2 are trying to kill him.

What? Why am I not helping? Are you serious!? Have you seen the size of those 2 Nidorinoes?! What am I supposed to do, join him for a beat-up? Ok, that might actually work but FUCK NO!! I value my own life too you know.

Heartless? I'm not heartless! I'm just having my priority straight. I said I'm not!

Ok fine! I'll save that Nidoran. This is better be worth it.

During my journey to find more food, I stumbled upon the berries of many kinds

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During my journey to find more food, I stumbled upon the berries of many kinds.

Unbeknownst to me, I wasn't aware of the territory I was in, so it is fair for me to get attacked by those 2 Nidorino.

They were merciful enough to spare me from my death. However, the humiliation I suffer from this defeat is far too great for me to bear. Once they're done with me, I shall find a place to rest for eternity.

Suddenly, as if I was floating in the air, I found myself in a completely new place, on the arm of a mysterious pokemon.

As I take a look at the face of my savior, I realize that he is no pokemon. He is a human, presumably trying to capture me in one of those human devices.

After a while, the human finally set me down, letting me stand on my four feet before saying something to me.

I do not understand a single word that the human said to me. Yet for some reason, I could somehow understand the message the human is trying to convey.

He promises me Strength. He promises me Revenge. He promises me Freedom. That alone is enough reason for me to keep on living.

I choose to believe in that human and follow him. Should he fail to live up to his promise, however, I shall personally deliver him death, as well as mine.

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