The young encounter

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Well, that was easier than I expected. Don't get me wrong, rescuing that Nidoran in the first place is still considered, in my opinion, a life-risking situation. It's just that when I rescue Nidoran and tell him all those cheesy stuff about him getting stronger and etc. He became oddly obedient and stuff.

Not that it really bothers me much. Quite the opposite actually since Nidoran here manages to endure my beati- I mean... training! Yeah! I obviously meant to say training.

What? Pokemon abuse? Non non non, mon ami! This is le perfecto training method.

Ok, hear me out. Nidoran here is, no sugarcoating, pretty trash when it comes to battle. So we have to settle for something that won't try to kill him, in this case, me!

And before you say something along the line of this being barbaric and stuff, have you seen what a pokemon could do? They're literally capable of smashing a rock with their fist and lifting a boulder up with their arm.

...Perhaps I might've overexaggerated that part for a bit, but you get my point! If anything, I've gone pretty soft with his training so far. Considering this as me being merciful.

Speaking of his training, during our "session", I notice something a bit off about Nidoran here. Usually, when you try to hit something, you'd occasionally miss your target from time to time, right? Well, Nidoran is a weird case of occasionally hitting his target from time to time! See, I'm starting to suspect that Nidoran might actually be blind. How much of a problem is that? Quite a lot when you're plotting revenge against your bullies.

But the thing is, I can't exactly get him checks at the pokemon center perse.

There're a few things that you need to know when it comes to owning a pokemon. First, everyone has a right to own one. You can be a baby and still has a pokemon if your parent lets you. But when it comes to battling a pokemon? Oh hell no, you need a trainer card for that. And guess what? I don't have one. Heck, I don't even know how I could get one. I heard rumors about people selling it at the Underground Path but that place is beyond Mount Moon for me, so no.

Now, imagine if I walk in and ask the nurse to check on Nidoran in his beaten-up state with no trainer card? That's borderline aggravated assault my guy, and I'm not looking forward to sitting behind bars.

But then that begs the question. How would I go about Nidoran's issue? Well, lemme tell you something, amigo. The Pokemon center isn't the only place you can have your pokemon checked on. In fact, there's this guy I know who would be willing to do it for free! Isn't that neat?

His name is Professor Oak but I'm sure you all know of him. Everyone knows who Professor Oak is! Being the world's first Kanto Champion and a renowned Pokemon Researcher, he's bound to get some fame here and there. Although, I find it's criminally underrated that his Champion title is buried under all of his research. Quite a mystery, isn't it?

Regardless, Professor Oak has a working laboratory in Pallet Town, just the south of Viridian City. So I believe that if we travel there and ask him nicely, slowly explaining the situation to him, he should be able to help Nidoran here with his issue... I think.

With that in mind, let us take our non-existence bag, and bon voyage we go!

With that in mind, let us take our non-existence bag, and bon voyage we go!

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