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Before closing, there's a couple people I'd like to thank for helping me along the way:

- @TheDarkEmperor and @W1Nt3R_

For being my most loyal readers and sharing the passion of Perceval and Durandal's journey. 


For all the passionate comments you left, giving me a good laugh along the way.

- My parents

For having no idea what was going on, but still supported me anyways. 

- My friends 

For reading and giving more inspiration than I could have expected despite their lack of knowledge of Honkai.

- And you guys. The readers. 

Thank you so much. All this exposure to my first piece of writing always gave me the motivation to keep writing new chapters and putting out this mammoth task of a story, its twists, turns and unique lore in the Starless Sky universe could not have been made without you. So thank you, for all your reads, votes and reading list additions. 

And I'm glad to announce, the Starless Sky story doesn't end here. 

A sequel currently in the works, focusing on the story of A Post Honkai Odyssey.

But before that, I will be taking a break from the Honkai series and writing something a little different.

'Clair de Lune - An Evangelion Rebuild Story' 
Will be coming soon.

Once more, thank you all for your support, I couldn't have done it without you. And I'll see you all when my next story begins. 


Lights in a Starless Sky - A Honkai Impact 3rd FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now