Act 26: [REDACTED]

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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep
"The time is now [7:00 AM]"

Perceval opened his eyes to see a blank white ceiling, he looked down to see he was still wearing his formal clothes. "Hrrmmm... Seven already?" He tapped the alarm clock, silencing the loud beeping before switching off the alarm setting. "I wish I could have continued that dream though... All I remember is wearing a black coat and wielding a cool sword..." Perceval shook his head, slapping his cheek. "Ah! Snap out of it! You're not an anime fan anymore, Perceval. I've got to focus on my work." He walked over to the mirror by his dresser, doing up the remaining buttons until the top neck button; running his hands through his hazel hair. Perceval walked over to the kettle and turned it on, preparing a travel cup to carry it with him to work. He looked down at his hands, noticing an odd scar on the back of his hand; running from his thumb up to just before his index finger. "Huh, so the scar from that fight with ▂▂▃▃▄▄▂▂ Is still there." His head ached with ferocity, a raging pain flying through his synapses. When he looked back down to his hand, the scar wasn't there.  

Wait, there was a scar there?

"I'm just seeing things... That lack of sleep must be catching up to me." The kettle finished boiling, Perceval prepared his tea and walked over to his closet; slipping on his dark grey blazer. He took his messenger bag and slipped his clipboard, journal and other necessities into it; zipping it up and taking his cup off the table. As Perceval reached the door, he looked over to a photo of his childhood friend, someone who he hadn't seen in years. Perceval tied up his hair in a short ponytail and smiled at the picture of the blonde girl in her basketball uniform, opening up the door. "Okay, I'll see you around." As he closed the door, the image began to flicker. The picture switching from the blonde haired girl to a young woman with wine-red hair and amber eyes, yet Perceval was not there to notice. The man walked down the busy streets, ducking in and out of the busy crowds; occasionally stopping to say hello to some friends who were on their morning commute as well. As he approached the Ninth Hospital, Perceval sighed heavily. "Alright, let's get to work..." 

XX:XXAM: Eighteenth Ward, Ninth Hospital

'The Honkai, it was called.'
'A mysterious energy phenomenon that infects anyone it touches, afflicting them with the 'Honkai Sickness'. A sickness that my colleagues and I have been working to cure, to no avail.' 

'It has a definite death rate of one-hundred-percent. If you catch it... Well, you're as dead as a Thylacine. That is to say, a Tasmanian Tiger... Which happens to be extinct.' 

Perceval stepped through the doors to a small room, spying a short girl sitting up in her bed. The patient smiled gleefully. "Doctor Perceval!" The Doctor smiled and sat by the girl, putting his hand on the railing of her bed. "Hello, Haze. How are you feeling?" The girl named Haze crossed her arms affirmingly, giving a smug smile. "I've never felt better!" Perceval frowned softly, his grip tightening on the bed. "That's... That's good..." He stood and took up his clipboard, checking over her vital signs from the monitor; a procedure that at this point was near muscle memory for him. "All green so far... Blood pressure and temperature, heart-rate, organ stability... Alright, Haze, please show me the circuits." The girl nodded and lifted her sleeve, Perceval's frown grew heavy and his face turned pale white. "... They didn't spread... That's a step in the right direction." He had to turn his head away, seeing those purple vein-like lines spreading up someone's body was a definite sign of Honkai Sickness. A conduit that passes through a mortal body, spreading a venomous energy through their blood; failing organs, corrupting synapses, frying the brain... Killing them quickly, yet so painfully. Haze bowed her head. "Doctor, the others say that I have Honkai Sickness... Will..."

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