Act 6: Debut

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The Day after Physical Exams:

"Hold still, this will hurt a lot." Himeko held a cotton swab to a large burn mark on Perceval's arm, he tensed slightly as the solution stung at the reddened skin on his arm. "She did a real number on you, huh?" Himeko turned her face to Perceval "She sure did. I'm surprised I came out of that fight not turned to a crisp." He observed the mark; deep red skin running halfway up his forearm. He smirked, even his sword: Thanatos couldn't output flames of that intensity. He turned his thoughts back to the fight, he identified Fu Hua as the legendary Master Jingwei and fought against her to prove his worth as a trainee at St. Freya. In the end, somehow, he managed to defeat Hua and stood with the highest score of the students in both the Written and Physical Exams. "Himeko." She turned her head away from the medical cabinet to face Perceval. "During the fight, Hua used some sort of feathers to mess with my mind. They're not normal feathers aren't they?" Himeko sat down with a grim look on her face, she gestured for Perceval to hold his arm out and began to bandage it "Those feathers are a Divine Key." His eyes widened at Himeko's explanation "So it really is the Key of Consciousness." Perceval's eyes turned to face the wall next to him. "You know much of it?" Himeko tied off the bandage "Only its two forms and its capability of mind manipulation." He lifted his arm back to his lap "The real name of the Key is 'Fenghuang Down' and it was forged long before our time." Himeko turned herself around in her chair to face Perceval "It was either found or gifted to Jingw-, Fu Hua around five hundred years ago." Himeko looked surprised "And you know all this how?" Perceval smiled slyly "When you work for Shicksal you learn a lot more than you'd expect." Perceval felt a buzzing in his pocket, he produced a small datapad; it was an incoming call, from the Overseer. He raised an eyebrow then turned to Himeko. "I have to take this, I'll be back." 

He stood a fair distance away from the Nurse's Office in the hallway, he answered the call and found himself staring into the face of Otto Apocalypse. "Perceval, It has been a while." Otto held a datapad in his other hand "Overseer, It is good to see you again." Perceval smiled as he remembered the small amount of time he spent with the Immortal Blades, it had been just over a year since Perceval had left Shicksal HQ for St. Freya for the promise of being able to join the Immortal Blades and fight the Honkai directly. "You should be proud, scores like these are nothing to scoff at." Otto observed the datapad and hid a small grin "I just worked very hard, that's all." Perceval shook his head "I've had less training then everyone here at St. Freya, so I have to work harder than most students." Otto smiled "As always, a brilliant work ethic from you." He then looked at the datapad, observing the fight between you and Fu Hua. "You saw that fight?" Perceval raised an eyebrow "Of course, Durandal and Rita watched on as well." Otto handed the datapad to Amber and returned his attention to Perceval. "They were very impressed, Durandal especially." Otto smirked at him, he turned his head away and he felt his face get hot "How so?" Otto put a hand on his face "She said she would enjoy sparring with you." Perceval gawked "One-on-one fights with Durandal?" Otto nodded "Correct. It's not often that the strongest Valkyrie at Shicksal becomes fond of people, I'm rather impressed." Perceval held his hand to his face to cover his surprised expression, he shook his head and faced the Overseer "Enough of that, why did you really call me?" Otto removed the hand from his face "You remember our deal?" Perceval nodded, he could never forget. "You have proved yourself. You are an A-Rank Valkyrie now and have earned a place here at Shicksal HQ." Perceval hid a small smile "So when do I return?" Otto turned to Amber "The Friday of the coming week, I will arrange for a transport to pick you up." Perceval then looked glum for a moment, he had spent so much time here at St. Freya and now he was straight up leaving all the friends he had made. "Overseer, will I ever return here to St. Freya?" Otto then nodded in understanding "You will, every Valkyrie comes back at some point for commissions from other Shicksal branches." Perceval smiled "I understand. I should be going now." Otto stood up "I look forward to seeing you in person, Perceval." The feed cut off and Perceval was left staring into the empty hallway. "I guess I should let everyone know." He muttered under his breath before making his way back to the dorms. 

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