Act 29.5: KEVIN

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This is the moment of truth.

The moment where histories, myths and legends of humanity reconcile as one.

A hidden truth shall only be revealed to the servants who have defended their faith and devoted their minds to the great cause. 

The silent ripples shall collide, merge and blend into a boiling maelstrom.

And within the eye of this vortex, we shall hear the faithful chorus in one united voice.

The Serpent has returned. 

XX:XXPM: Unknown Location 

The grand hall was deathly cold, it could be mistaken for the arctic. Yet none who stood there knew if it was the lack of heating, or the silent gaze of the man sitting before them. Upon a throne sat a young man, dashingly handsome. His medium length hair was the snow white of the Kaslana family, his eyes its signature blue. Upon his shoulders was a long black jacket adorned with light white armour and small blue straps, his hands covered with black and blue gloves; as if to protect others from his touch. His knee high boots were adorned with black armour, his left leg crossed over his right leg as he stared coldly down at the hall full of cloaked people: His loyal followers, those who had committed their faith to the words of the World Serpent. His name was Kevin Kaslana, one of the last of the Old World; the strongest soldier of Humanity and former leader of Fire Moth: the Moth Who Chase The Flame. He had risen from his slumber within the Sea of Quanta for a single purpose, to prevent the calamity he saw all those years ago; to save Humanity no matter the cost. 

A single member walked through the tall doors at the back of the hall, his footsteps almost loud in the eerie silence of the hall. As the cloaked man approached the Kaslana, he knelt in front of the throne. 

"Hail to the Sire." 

The crowd chanted in response. 

"Hail to the Sire." 

The cloaked man stood, awaiting the Sire's words. Kevin thought for a moment as cool breath exited his lips, bringing the temperature of the room down even more. "What brings you here?" The cloaked servant produced two handguns, clicking them together and forming a great longsword. Where there should have been immense power, there was only silence. What he held in his hands was the Seventh Divine Key, the Key of Destruction and ancient heirloom of the Kaslana family. What he held was the Judgement of Shamash. "I have recovered this, and I now offer it as a gift. A gift to celebrate your grand return, Sire." The cloaked man continued, bowing his head and kneeling again in front of the Kaslana. "A weapon of such power should only be wielded by he who leads Humanity to its triumphant future." Kevin raised an eyebrow, his gaze becoming softer. "And what became of its former wielder?" The cloaked man smirked under his hood, his gaze hidden from his superior. "We've given him every measure of comfort befitting an important and personal guest of yours, Sire." Kevin bowed his head, slowly standing from his throne and walking towards the cloaked man. He firmly took hold of the greatsword. "Very well, I accept this gift." 

Chiyou, Emperor Class Honkai Beast Detected. Initiating Ambient Charging

Energy Reserves now at 100%, Charging Overdrive Reserves

Overdrive Reserves now at 150%

Power Limits removed, Judgement of Shamash is ready

Kevin smiled slightly as the sword began to glow a bright orange, flames dancing from its edges as the entire sword began to change forms. "We finally meet again, old friend." Before the sword finished changing, he held the sword aloft as the heat slowly began to slightly warm his ice cold touch. "We shall fight together again like we used to." 

Judgement of Shamash, Zeroth Power: Might of An-Utu

The red hot blade produced a massive burst of flames that heated up the room, the once dark hall now alive with a light like the surface of the sun. Wielder and weapon reunited, the faithful within the room knew that this signalled the coming of the storm. 

XX:XXPM: Unknown Location

Kevin set foot into the room, his agents sitting dutifully around him. A tall woman with a jackal mask stood from her seat, bowing respectfully. "Welcome back, Sire." The white haired man waved his hand in a disapproving gesture. "No need for formalities, Jackal. Do you have the information I asked for?" The woman produced a set of three files from her coat, placing them down on the table. "Raven has the most understanding of these three, so I will leave the explaining to her." A woman in a skin tight suit with a cloak stood, her scarlet eyes unchanging even in the presence of her Sire. "Tsk..." She walked over and opened the first file: a Shicksal Database Record. 

"First, we have this 'Progeny' of yours: Kiana Kaslana." 

The Sire picked up the file and began flipping through it, raising an eyebrow as he came to the end of the file. "Inactive?" The cloaked woman named Raven pointed at a section on the file. "She's currently on the run from Shicksal HQ, having run away from St. Freya after awakening her dormant Herrscher powers." Kevin nodded and placed down the first file, pointing towards the other two. "And these?" Raven scowled slightly, crossing her arms in annoyance. "The greatest threats to our plans." Kevin picked up the file on the right, slowly opening it. Raven was silent for a while before finally speaking up. 

"Durandal, real name: Bianka Ataegina. She's an S-Rank Valkyrie and Captain of the Immortal Blades Elite Valkyrie Unit. Rumors say that she is the Strongest Valkyrie who has ever lived." 

The white haired soldier raised an eyebrow. "Ah... Like the Schariac before her, she can wield the Abyss Flower..." Raven nodded softly before looking back down to the file. "She joined Shicksal at only ten years old, quickly climbing up the ranks and becoming an A-Ranker at twelve." Kevin smiled softly, placing the file down on the table with a gentle smack. "She is indeed dangerous, a worthy opponent. Facing her will be no easy task." 

"He won't be easy either." 

Kevin paused, turning to Raven with a slightly confused expression. "He?" Raven picked up the leftmost file and slid it across the table, the Database Report slightly sliding out of the cover. The Sire picked the Report out from the file, Raven said nothing and instead allowed Kevin to read the file himself. 

"... Perceval Avlonia..."

"Was Shicksal Oceania Research and Development Head for two years before an incident which lead him to enrol in St. Freya Academy in order to join the Immortal Blades as Shicksal's first official Knight and later becoming Assault Leader before becoming Second in Command under Durandal."
"Has an unparalleled knowledge of the Honkai and machinery, formulates excellent strategies that lead to no single Valkyrie or civilian casualties, possesses unnatural Honkai Resistance for a male, incredible empathy and... Drive to save people..." 

The white haired male lowered the file and looked up to the ceiling, chuckling quietly so that no-one could hear him. "So in a way... He and I were very alike once..." Kevin set down the Report and began to walk out the door, Jackal stood from her seat. "Sire?" Kevin looked back as he halted in the doorway. "Do not worry, Jackal." 

"I must pay a visit to this 'Wildfire of Shicksal'."

"For I believe he and I have something in common, and I must see it for myself."

ACT 29.5: END

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