Act 3: Potential

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As Perceval was walking to the Research Division he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, a person, staring him down. She was slim, with short hair and in some sort of maid outfit. He caught himself looking into her scarlet eyes, hiding whatever feelings hid behind her stern expression. He placed his pelican cases on the ground and walked over to her. "Hello, do you work here?" Perceval asked, the woman bowed and extended her hand "Rita Roseweisse. S-Rank Valkyrie. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled slightly. Perceval shook her hand. "I'm Perceval Avlonia. Likewise, Ms. Roseweisse." She had a frim grip, as expected of a Valkyrie of Shicksal. Were all Valkyries this intense? The prospect of working with people this strong excited Perceval, he would get to see firsthand how Shicksal really deals with the Honkai. Perceval picked up his pelican cases and began to walk to the Research Division "See you around, Ms. Roseweisse." he said as he left the main hallway. After he left, Rita made her way to Command and was met by the Overseer looking over a Honkai infestation in an abandoned city in New Zealand. "I do not understand why you let that man here, Lord Otto." Rita spoke to the Overseer as he turned around in his chair. "Oh? Why is that?" he replied "He has not once asked what has happened to his co-workers at his old branch, It seems to me as if he has no empathy-" Rita was cut off by the Overseer. "There is a reason for that Ms. Roseweisse." He said as he handed Rita a datapad. Rita opened the file on Perceval and read the highlighted passage. "Separation Anxiety?" Rita questioned, the Overseer stood from his chair and picked up the glass of wine that sat on the desk in front of him. "A disorder in which a person becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents and close bonds. In this case, Perceval has lost so many friends, parents and other relatives that when he forms new bonds, he becomes incredibly afraid of losing them." Rita looked curiously through the rest of his file as the Overseer spoke "The researchers at Oceania Shicksal are dead, Rita. Among them, a man who he formed a close friendship with: Jack Magnes." Rita closed the datapad and handed it to the Overseer "So why not tell him?" Rita questioned. "Here at HQ, he will form stronger bonds to help reduce the pain of his Separation Anxiety." Otto turned to Rita and set down his glass "He will not stay in the lab for long. I intend to pique his curiosity in field-work, in other words, I will make him into a Shicksal Knight if he so chooses." Rita shook her head "You mean to put this man onto a battlefield? The one place where everyone he cares about could die?" Otto smiled "Precisely! Through the pain of loss, he will emerge stronger. And become a valuable asset in my plans." Rita bowed "I understand. I shall inform Master Durandal of the Infestation, and bring Master Perceval along." The Overseer sat down again "Very well. You are dismissed, Rita."

Shicksal HQ Reseach Divison: Weapon Development

Perceval sat in a room with weapons littering the walls, in his hands was a scythe named 'Genome Reaper'. He found it odd that despite its blunt appearance, it was incredibly sharp. He had been repairing both the Toxin Canisters and the Genome Sampler which had seen some serious use. He spun the weapon in his hand, the weight on the scythe's head was unstable, he would need to add more towards the back end of the head. As he reached for his tools, Durandal walked through the door and picked up a lance off the wall. He recognised it from working on it earlier 'Eos Gloria' he recalled. "Get your things Perceval, we are going out to the field." Durandal said as Perceval stood up, "Wait! I'm just a researche-" Perceval was cut off by Durandal passing him 'Thanatos'. He turned over the weapon in his hands "How did you know this was mine?" She turned to walk out the door "Rita informed me. Now make haste." The door slid shut. Perceval looked at Thanatos again "I get to fight alongside a Valkyrie, huh?" He smiled as he began to make his way to the door. he paused, looking at the prototype suit he developed at the Oceania branch in his spare time: a red cloak over a black bodysuit and long pants. It was a Mech Battlesuit that deals Fire damage. He reached out to it, then pulled back. Perceval hadn't tested any of the functions, not to mention, he hadn't completed the battlesuit itself. "Not today, old friend." He said as he walked out the door and towards the hanger, where he would meet with the Immortal Blades. 

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