Act 41.5: Truth

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Project Penthesilea

Subject: Bianka Ataegina
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Honkai Resistance: <500 Honkai Welts

Project Penthesilea is an ambitious project, which is why Shicksal will hear nothing of it. 
Like Project Babylon, Project Penthesilea is meant to aid me in my goals of building Shicksal to the height of power so I may have my selfish wish. 

Where Project Babylon is the final stage, Project Penthesilea is a beginning.

This secret Project will focus on augmentation of Valkyries, aiming to create the ultimate warrior who will obey me without question and threaten those who dare oppose my plans.

Project Penthesilea will begin with subjecting Bianka to lethal doses of Honkai, while subsequently injecting a form of Quantum Power to neutralise the Honkai while it sits in her veins; thus leaving it dormant. The process will be incredibly painful, but it must work, it has to work.

Project Penthesilea: Log #1

Bianka is holding up well. But her screams are alerting the other Shicksal employees.
Eventually, I will have to move her to a different location.

Something I did not expect was her adaptation: she shattered all her bindings while crying out for her mother. If all goes well, Project Penthesilea should go on without any trouble.

Project Penthesilea: Log #2

I have started wearing ear protection while I observe Bianka.
Her screams are so loud that they've shattered seven of the syringes carrying Quantum Power.
Were it possible, I would sedate her during the procedure. But unfortunately, she would die, so unfortunately that is not an option.

Project Penthesilea: Log #3

Bianka's Honkai Welts now exceed those of the late Cecilia Schariac, making Bianka the unofficial Strongest Valkyrie of Shicksal. Now begins the next phase, harnessing Quantum Power. 

First, I need to ensure she can handle it without dying. And secondly, I must ensure that it is powerful enough to link to the Sea of Quanta. If that is possible, then that other Project of mine may be far easier than anticipated. 

Project Penthesilea: Log #4

This morning, I awoke to find that Bianka had temporarily passed out during her treatment last night. During her state of unconscious, she stated to a researcher that she encountered "A bright golden sword" and "Lots of stars."

Phase 2 is complete.

The next Phase will begin when she is ready to become a Valkyrie.

Project Penthesilea: Log #92

It has been eleven years since Project Penthesilea began. Now, Bianka is an S-Rank Valkyrie at the age of sixteen; adopting the name 'Durandal' after an experience in the Sea of Quanta. I am rather proud of my little experiment, but now begins the last Phase of the Project.

If Bianka were to ever find out what I did to her, I would most certainly end up dead. Therefore, I must make sure that she cannot lay a finger on me.

Using a genetically altered hormone that I will create in her brain, she will obey my orders without question. Yet, I do expect her to resist at least somewhat. But if anything, this is the final step to creating the Strongest Valkyrie, my Penthesilea.

- Otto Apocalypse


Project Spark

Subject: Perceval Avlonia
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Honkai Resistance: 0 Honkai Welts

Originally, I did not believe in time travel. I thought it to be a fantasy of the early 2000s.
And yet, I have received something. A gift from across time, from myself of all people.

The gift is a man, a researcher who should currently be at Shicksal Oceania in New Zealand: Perceval Diarmuid Avlonia. His reasons for being here are detailed in the letter from myself below: 

Otto Apocalypse of another time,
My name is Otto Apocalypse. In three days from now, Durandal will return to Shicksal HQ with a man in her arms. This man is, or rather, was, vital to my plans. But as of now, he will be of no use to me. I must ask one thing of you: 

Use this man's technological prowess and now, his latent Honkai, to further your goals where I could not. For I am sure you will succeed with the help of someone as clever as yourself. 

Otto Apocalypse.

This 'Perceval' is unique. He has Honkai Resistance, which males are not supposed to have. Not only that, the other Otto informed me that he noticed as he passed through his Wraith Gateway that 'malfunctioned', he obtained a form of natural Stigmata. While I will be unable to study him in depth, I am intrigued to see if he will be able to perform to the level of Siegfried Kaslana or [REDACTED].

If any other interesting findings arise, I will be sure to record them.

- Otto Apocalypse


Project Sundown

Subject: [REDACTED]
Gender: [REDACTED]
Honkai Resistance: [REDACTED]




ACT 41.5: END

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