7 Demon Next Door

Start from the beginning

"That doesn't sound like a compliment." he huffs.

"...and you're both cute."

"Fine, I guess I'll have to agree with you there." Cerin says trying to hind the smirk on his face.

I look at the time and realize that we've been here for nearly an hour. My phone starts to buzz with the sixth text message from Auntie asking where we are. Cerin stands up slowly when he realizes that the bunny has fallen asleep.

"Ready to head back?" I ask. "Aunt Ray is still wanting to hang out."

Cerin stands up, pats himself clean, and grabs onto my arm like before. "Can I get a pet?" he asks innocently.

"Maybe for your birthday." I say and he lets out a little 'yay' and we start walking back to the hotel.

It's a long walk and I didn't realize it since we got a taxi to take us to the restaurant to begin with. Halfway there Cerin stops me with a serious look on his face. "Wait, I don't have a birthday." I laugh and continue walking. I wasn't expecting him to take so long to figure that out. He pouts the rest of the way but cheers up when I tell him I'll buy him something nice before we leave.

Aunt Ray is waiting for us when we get back to our hotel room. "How long have you been standing here Ray?" I ask her.

"Just a few minutes!" she responds quickly.

My cousin, Rich, walks up behind her, "More like thirty." He grins and comes over to ruffle my hair. Rich and I have always been close. He's like an older brother to me and I'm probably closer to him than I am with my actual brother. When Aunt Ray first got divorced with her husband he stayed at our house a lot. "It's good to see you again."

I turn around quickly when I hear Ray yelling, "Look at you! You're just too precious. Call me Auntie!" Cerin is caught in her embrace and looks completely helpless.

I can't help but laugh and Rich snickers as well. Cerin's face turns red and he looks like he just wants to hide. I don't think he realizes how adorable he is sometimes.

Rich finally pulls Ray off of Cerin and he finally introduces himself, only to be crushed by Rays chest once more.

"How about bowling? Bowling sounds good." Rich says to distract Aunt Ray.

Cerin was hesitant about bowling and watched us play a game first. Ray was able to convince him to play after that and he struggled with his first few rolls. However, he's now beating us all, even though he's still scared of the bowling ball return machine and makes me get the ball off of the rack for him.

We finally get Ray to give up on bowling and go back to the hotel. It's nearly midnight but she's still full of energy. She starts telling Cerin about the shopping mall and how she has to take him tomorrow after we visit the family. Cerin seems excited and I'm sure he doesn't realize that she plans to treat him like a doll. She use to do the same thing with Rich when he was little. She'd dress him in expensive brands or anything cute until he was old enough to dress himself. Actually, my mother did the same with my brother and I. It must be because they're sisters.

Rich finally gets Ray to leave us alone by telling her that the hotel bar is still open. Within seconds, she's gone. I sigh with relief and Cerin giggles and unlocks our hotel door. He runs over and jumps onto the bed. I walk over and collapse beside him. I start to doze off but wake back up when I hear water running in the bathroom.


I walk into the steamy bathroom to find Cerin sitting on the edge of the large tub waiting for it to fill up. "Are you taking a bath?" I yawn. Cerin shakes his head 'no' and grins up at me. "Okay, then are you starting an aquarium?"

My Personal Little Devil (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now