¿🖤 -Too Much Hope- ⚠️?

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A/n: I need to write fluff for you guys...also...

⚠️ warning: Monokuma experiences some t^au~a in this chapter (poor child's afraid of n*edles) and basically has a p@nic attack. If you get triggered by that sort of thing- please leave. I apologize for making two chapters like this in a roll. The next one will be fluff. I promise. Again, I'm sorry. It's been that kind of week. ⚠️

-Too Much Hope-

  I sat on the couch smiling. I didn't exactly know what I was watching, I think it was something Monokuma left on the tv.

  I sighed, reaching for the remote.

  "Don't you dare!" I heard him scream as he jumped on the coach, tackling me with a hug.

  I laughed, trying to push him off. "Alright! Fine! I won't change it!"

  Monokuma hugged me tighter, planting a soft kiss upon my cheek. "I'm never letting go!!!"

  I let out an over-exaggerated sigh, closing my eyes. We sat there together for what I wished could be forever.

  He sighed softly, smiling down at me.

  There was a buzzing sound that caught both of our attentions. Monokuma huffed, pulling out his phone.

  "Damn it..." I heard him whisper as he read the message. "I wanted to hug you forever!" He said a little louder.

  "What is it?" I asked, scooting closer. Monokuma stood before I could look.

  "I'll be right back! I promise you!" He said with a fake laugh. And with that, he left the room.

  (Monokuma's Pov)

  Fuck- fuck fuck fuck!!!!! What did Junko need me for? Why the hell had she interrupted me?! I knew she had been watching. That at least was obvious, but why couldn't she have let me stay for a little longer?!

  I walked up to the door, tears already collecting in my eyes. I knew what was coming. I could hear her on the other side of the door. She was pissed. Really pissed.

  I took in a deep breath, turning the knin. Junko glared at me, her eyes crafted from pure flames.

  "W-what did I do wrong Mama?" I questioned, a lump forming in my throat. Damn it-

  Junko looked me up and down in disgust. I nearly jumped when I saw movement from the other side of the room. It was Mukuro. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I had first anticipated?

  "You look rather hopeful- what the fuck about?!" Junko shouted. I flinched from her sharp words. Yep- of course I would be wrong.

  "What do you think sis?" She turned to Mukuro who stayed silent. I could see the sympathetic look in her eyes. What the hell was going on?

  Junko let out a small laugh, which soon erupted into a hysterical one.

  She pulled something from behind her back. A rather small object surrounded in glass and filled with a nasty looking liquid. It wasn't until then that my eyes caught sight of the metal ending, long and sharp. It was a needle.

  I instantly began to panic, my chest heaving. I couldn't breathe, tears filling my eyes.

  Junko stepped forward with the object, a smirk lining her face. I couldn't move, fear engulfing my limbs with ice.

  "Mama..." I whispered. My hands began to shake. I was on the verge of collapsing.

  Junko yanked my arm towards her, placing the cold metal upon my skin.

  I couldn't hold myself together any longer. I screamed out, trying to fight her. Tears rushed down my face as my body shook. The thought to claw her entered my mind, but I could never hurt Mama like that.

  "Junko?" Mukuro's soft voice spoke as she stepped forward. "Don't you think that's enough? He's obviously upset."

  Junko scoffed, sending a glare to auntie Mukuro. "Don't fucking speak to me, trash! It'll be done when I say it is!"

  I could feel the needle slowly penetrate my skin. "Please! Please don't!" I screamed to Junko, blinded by my tears. I watched in horror as the liquid was slowly shot into me. Junko stared me in the eyes as she pulled it out, spinning to leave the room.

  As soon as she left, I collapsed. Mukuro rushed over to me, wrapping her arms around my shaking body and rubbing a hand through my hair.

  "Shh, it'll be okay." She was unsure about the statement.

  "W-w-what w-was in it?" I asked between sobs.

  Mukuro kissed my forehead, scratching my bear ears.

  "I don't know." She whispered.

  Y/n's Pov

  It seemed like he was taking forever. I was beginning to worry. More than I had before. He seemed upset when he left. Who knew what had happened! I hated this situation. Why did he have to work for that bitch, Junko, anyway?!

  I spun my rings in my hands, staring at the door. I was like that for about an hour. Waiting, until it creaked open.

  Monokuma slowly walked in. He looked...different then when he left. He came over and sat beside me on the couch, staring at the now blank tv.

  "What's wrong?" I quickly asked. He slowly turned his head to look at me.

  Monokuma's eyes seemed glazed over. His energy seemed- rather dull in comparison to how he typically acted.

"I'm sorry- I seem to have had a small malfunction earlier. I promise it won't happen again." There was barely any emotion in his voice. No expression at all.

"Monokuma, love, what happened?!" I was becoming more and more worried by the second.

Monokuma cocked his head to the side. Confusing barely brushed his features. "What ever do you mean? I am perfectly one hundred percent fine. I just want to make you happy. I just want to make Junko happy. It seems I've failed at both...but- don't worry- I'm better now. She fixed me." He showed an unnatural grin, his eyes still glazed.

  I quickly brought Monokuma into my arms. He barely showed any reaction, a saddened expression shadowing his features.

  "You didn't do anything wrong." I whispered, hugging him tighter.

  "What the hell did she do to you..." It was barely a whisper. What was I supposed to do? I had to find a way to fix this. I would do anything, even confront the mastermind herself.

A/n: Welp- apologies. Hope you at least enjoyed this chapter. Kinda. It's been a hard week, and it's showing in my writing. Apologies for that.

Hope you have a good rest of your day/nigh. Have some cookies. Hopefully I can write some fluff for you guys.

Words: 1102

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