🖤 My little game 🖤

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A/n: You know how he looks when cosplayed? Imagine the creepier ones instead of the kawaii. He kinda looks like that in this one shot.

🖤 My little game 🖤

My eyes flipped open to see darkness. The only light came from a small yellow lightbulb hanging from a wire above me. I tried to stand, realizing my limbs had been restrained to the chair I now seemed to be sitting in.

Panic washed over me. I had no clue where I was. The last thing I remembered was being outside of that school. I had been walking outside of it, looking for a way in. There was a sound from behind me before-

A spotlight flashed on in front of me. I could now make out a boy standing only a few feet away. He stood halfway in the light, the other half covered in the shadow of darkness.

"You know, I hate trespassers." He said, walking toward me. A few steps and I could now see the boy's features. His hair was split between black and white, his eyes of red and grey. His mouth curled up into a permanent smile on the left side of his face. Fangs jutted out from his lips in a freakish manner.

  My eyes widened at the sight of him. I had never seen anyone like this in my entire life. An odd mixture of fear and disgust fell over me as I tried to think of a way out of the situation.

"Upuhu! Your fear smells so nice! How about this? We can play a little game- I love games. You get three chances to tell me why I shouldn't kill you! Win and you live, loose and I have a wonderful dinner tonight. Sadly, you have no say in the matter. You have to play."

My breathing quickened, my mind racing. I hadn't expected the offer, much less planned for it.

  "I-I have a family!" I blurted, my (parental figure(s)/sibling(s) ) being the first thing coming to mind.

"Your point is?" The boy asked, making his way to a toolbox that sat against the wall. He picked up a hammer, twirled it in the air, and then placed it back down. He did the same with a few other tools.

"Please! You don't wanna kill me!" I begged.

"Wrong again!" He cackled, now holding a large kitchen knife. Each step he took toward me was another nail slowly slamming itself in the coffin of my life.

"I can be useful! Please! I'll do anything!" The boy was now right in front of me. I tensed, shutting my eyes as he brought the knife upward.

Death never came. Instead, he placed the flat of it under my chin, lifting my head so he could meet my gaze.

The boy breathed out harshly. "You should choose your words more carefully. Your lucky I'm not that kind of person. Remember, there are far worse fates than death."

I felt a shiver run down my spine from his words. I hadn't realized it before. I didn't even think about it. In that moment, survival was all that mattered. I now realized the potential torture those same words could hold.

"Now, I do believe we can make use of you. We're already low on staff, and soon we'll be left with only two of us. I'm sure Junko can use you for something." He said, pulling the knife away from me. He then dropped the blade, letting it clatter against the floor.

  The boy spun around, turning his back so I couldn't see his expression.

  "We will, however, need to make some preparations. You aren't ready to serve her like this. No, that would never work."

I hadn't even seen the string until the boy pulled it. A projector kicked on, showing a paused video on the white sheet that had been connected to the string.

"I met your family by the way." He said, coming to stand behind the chair in which I sat. "Sadly, they seemed to be on the wrong side of things." I felt his hands press down on the sides of my head. "Please stay silent as the movie plays. Keep your eyes fixed on the screen. Make it easier for the both of us." He instructed.

The tape started to play. I saw my (parental figure(s)) and (sibling(s) if any- if
"S" not used then replace with "friends") all talking and smiling in our makeshift house. It was in poor condition due to the end of the world, but it was still home.

The screen seemed to cut out for a second, reopening to shadows against the wall. Screams were heard. I could see it, all of it.

I struggled to turn my head, though it was kept in place by the boy's hands. His nails began to press into my skull as my movements became more violent.

I then chose to shut my eyes. In turn, they were forced open. The boy moved his hands to pull my eyelids apart, making me watch as my family/friends died.

Tears began to flood my forcibly opened eyes. "How could you do this?!" I screamed, trying thrash my limbs in an attempt to escape- the restrains, however, didn't budge.

"Shhhhh." The boy whispered. "It's almost over."

Each shadow seemed to dissolved. Blood splattered the wall as a thud was heard. The camera changed view points as each mangled body was shown. Each and ever one of them were covered in blood, eyes wide and staring blankly into the abyss of death.

Tears now flowed from my own eyes. I gasped for air as my windpipe began to close. My heart felt as if it had broken into a thousand pieces. My soul crushed, split to its core.

"Shhhhhh." The boy said again. "It'll get better, I promise. There's only a little more left." I could feel his thumbs rub against the top of my head as if he was trying to comfort me. My pain began to mix with anger. I wanted so badly to break free and kill him.

The screen changed once more in a flash of vibrant colors. Confusion overtook me, but it soon melted into something else. I could feel myself beginning to calm as I stared into the beautiful pattern created. My pain began to ease and my anger subsided. My mind told me something wasn't right, but I couldn't seem to drag my gaze from the show of lights flashing before me.

I could feel the boy's hands release. "See? Don't you feel better now? Free from the chains of hope?" His voice was soothing. I could feel his fingers press under my chin, his thumb and pointer holding me up as he leaned over my shoulder.

I continued to stare at the lights. My vision seemed to blur a little before I could finally feel the results. Once again, the boy was right. I did feel free. More than free. It was as if the colors had filled my soul once again, glueing together the fragments of my hearts in a swirl of unmatched pieces.

"Your eyes. They're beautiful, darling." I heard the boy whispered. I couldn't help but smile at his compliment. I was no longer mad at him- no, I was grateful!

"H-how can I repay you?" I asked, letting out a sigh of much needed relief.

The boy laughed ever so slightly. "Oh believe me. The despair you'll cause will be all the payment we need!"

A/n: This isn't even that angsty- sorry to those who wanted something to cry over. That will come in time. To those who were sad, just watch the top video. That's why I put it there.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Apologies if I made grammatical or spelling mistakes. As always, I'm open to your comments.

Hope/despair you have a good rest of your day/night! Try not to run into Junko/Naegi (depending on what team you are on-) on your way out!

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