🤍 Mallet-kun 🤍

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An: did I mention that not all the photos are gonna match the theme of the one-shot? It's hard to find fanart for Human Mono, but I don't want to leave the space blank. Thus why they will probably be random...

🤍 Mallet-kun 🤍

I walked aimlessly down the hallways of Hope's Peak. I had nowhere in particular to go and no clue what I wanted to do. Each door and covered window only seemed to worsen the feeling of being stuck, as if my life didn't have meaning- my purpose lost.

I continued to walk down the dimly light path, zoning out as I did so. It seemed as if I was thinking about everything and nothing all at once.

Footsteps sounded from behind me. My guard shot up as I turned my attention to the mysterious person. Their walk seemed casual, though I would have expected them to say my name by now if they weren't a threat.

I could feel the person coming closer. I spun around, holding my fists in the air. I knew all the rooms around me and how to get a weapon if needed. My hands though, would do the job fine if it came to that.

"Well that's a nice way to greet your headmaster."

My gaze fell upon the short split haired boy I knew all too well. It had been a few days since I'd seen my boyfriend. Relief fell over me now that I knew he was okay.

I placed my hands down, rushing forward to hug Monokuma. The familiar smell of blood and cologne washed over me as I fell into his warm embrace. It would've been off putting to most, though I found an odd sense of comfort in his scent.

Monokuma quickly wrapped his arms around me as well. "I see you've missed me. Sorry about that, Junko's been keeping me busy. Lucky enough, Mama finally decided to give me a break. I came to see you the first chance I got." (He sees Junko as a parental figure~)

"It's just good to see you." I whispered. There was no need to worry about Monokuma when it came to the killing game, but the fear of him getting hurt always seemed to linger in my mind.

Monokuma pulled away, smiling. "Hey, I decided to get ya a little something!" He said, reaching into his hoodie pocket. From it, he fished a small rectangular box. A red bow was tied sloppily across the top of it, making it quite clear he had done it himself.

Monokuma held the box out and I slowly took it. I then pulled one side of the bow, allowing the ribbon to fall to the floor. I breathed in slowly, taking the top from the container in my hands.

Inside the box was a small wooden mallet. The handle was skillfully wrapped with (f/c) fabric. The top portion was carved, having ovular tips on either side. Along each was golden paint, streaking a circular line around it. The wood was colored as well, being stained a beautiful shade of dark brown.

"It's nothing much." Monokuma said, looking down. "I know you don't care for the game, but I thought it was fitting for you to have a gavel like me. I don't know, I just liked the idea of it." He paused shortly,. "It's fine if you don't want it. I can take it back." His eyes still wouldn't meet mine.

I grabbed onto Monokuma's hands, holding the gavel against the side of my thumb to be sure I couldn't drop it. The smooth surface felt nice against my skin.

  "It's perfect." I reassured with a soft smile.

"Really?" Monokuma said, jumping up a little. "I was afraid you'd judge me for it. I mean your pretty chill but-"

I brought my lips to his, cutting him off. I could hear a small gasp come from Monokuma, though he fell into the kiss as well.

We soon separated. I could see the pink dusted across Monokuma's cheeks. He then realized he was blushing and quickly replaced his expression with a look of false anger.

"Hey! You should warn me before doing somethin' like that! It's rude to kiss people without warning:"

I laughed, reaching over to take his hand. Monokuma pulled away, glaring at me.

"Fine, then I'll go get the icecream on my own then." I said, spinning back around with a smirk.

After making it a few steps down the hall, Monokuma quickly ran up to match my pace. "Hey, don't leave me!" He whimpered, sliding his hand into mine.

We walked together down the dimly light halls. I held him in one hand and the mallet in my other. My purpose was finally clear, because he was my purpose.

An: I hope you liked this one shot. As I said before, I'm totally open to anything you have to say (as long as it's constructive).

That last line was cringey- sorry for that. I didn't know how else to end this and I wanted reflect back to the first chapter. Ah heh heh~

Anyway, I despair you have a good rest of your day/night. Thank you for reading, and remember I don't own Danganronpa!!!

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