-Forget These Feeling-

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A/n: I am alive! And I come bear-ing a new chapter! Mwhaha!!!

Also- this takes place before the first game, but after the world says "see ya!" Hope you have fun! And please, don't eat the Twinkies. Those are...less than appetizing...

-Forget These Feelings-

  I began to open my eyes once again, my vision blurry from...what was it that had happened?

  I slowly tried to stand, my footing unsure and my head dizzy. The room around me spun, or was I the one spinning? I wasn't quite sure.

  I closed my eyes, the size of my pupils doubling. It didn't help to open them again, lights making a migraine explode through my skull.

  I turned my attention to the wide open windows. Snowflakes of black floated past the glass surface, sprinkling down from the heavens as flames lapped from the ground. What had happened? What had caused this?

  I tried my hardest to steady myself as I made my way towards that direction. I placed my hands against its surface, steadying myself against the panes.

  Then, something wrapped around my waist. I almost toppled as weight fell upon my back. I breathed in deeply. I could feel warm liquid upon my skin, smearing as their arms moved. The stench of blood saturated my scenes in such a way that alone could make me fall.

"It's so good to see you, my dearest Y/n." The voice was soft, almost a whisper.

I could feel his head on my shoulder now, soft breathes brushing softly against my neck.

"Who...who are you?" I couldn't help but ask. I was all so confused- Why here? Why now?

A soft chuckle came from the one behind me. A delicate kiss was placed upon my cold skin. "It seems you hit your head pretty hard- it'll be ok. There's no reason to be afraid."

A pause lingered the air before his words began to fill the silence. There was a soft sigh before the fact, followed by the voice. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I stared out the window. Wreckage spread for miles. Colors of red and orange danced to the tune of that gray sky. A parade of darkness laid at wake.

There was a kind of beauty to it. The destruction as it came. But death sang to that simple tune of simplistic darkness. Death. How could something so surreal be pretty? Bodies painted crimson by mercy or to the silence of a brutal end?

  I turned my head, my eyes gazing upon that delicate face, matted with blood. He was beautiful. His eyes, his smile. But I could see a darkness swirling behind it. It would be so easy to fall into that swirling depth.

  The boy spun me effortlessly, holding me in his arms. His eyes met my own, causing his smile to widen. Pink dusted his cheeks, contrasted to the freckles of crimson.

  "Who are you?" I questioned once again. His face so familiar, though he seemed but a stranger in my mind.

  "Shh- it's only me! I'm your boyfriend, remember?"

  It seemed so strange, almost unnatural to me now. My head was empty, but his words filled with such meaning! It had to be true?

  "We need to get back with the other students. They're waiting on us." He whispered. Still not a name from those parted lips.

He took my arm, helping me to balance myself as we walked from the room. Almost to the door, something peculiar caught my eye. Almost as if I was on the cusp of remembering again.

  "That...that boy..." I breathed, motioning to that of a mangled corpse. It seemed as though he had been attacked. How strange for it to be in the same room as I?

  "It's nothing. Only another student." His voice- a hint of forceful urgence.

  I followed him from the room, the cadaver unable to leave my mind. No. I had to trust this strange person. I had to trust he knew more about me than I knew about myself...

A/n: And there you go! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I've been meaning to finish it for a while now. Better than the last too I wrote heh- heh- hehhhhhhhhh...

Anyway, hope you have a good rest of your day/night!!! Feel free to leave comments!!!

Words: 723

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