⚠️🖤Her Painful Words🖤⚠️

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A/n: Hey...

⚠️This chapter mentions ab*se. If that triggers you...LEAVE. RIGHT NOW! You are too important to me to stay just because I decide to write some expressy depressy bull crap to make myself all sad like. So please. Begone!!! ⚠️

Also, I'm gonna say the picture above halfway inspired me for this! Hopefully this turns out well. I can't decide if I like this chapter or not...

-Her Painful Words-

  I smiled, skipping through the halls of Hope's Peak. The day had been absolutely wonderful! I had spent it with Y/n. I had make them breakfast, we cuddled, we went on a walk through the school, and then we had gone back to their dorm to play board games! I couldn't help but smile!!! They were so amazing...

  I could hear my phone buzz from my pocket. That would be the third time? Junko had called? I didn't know what could be so important, and to be honest, I wanted to avoid her. I had such a wondrous day! I didn't wish to ruin it with work-

  I wondered aimlessly down the halls a few more minutes before making my way up towards the office. I stood outside for a minute, my head pressed against the door with my hand on the knob. I took in a deep breath, pushing the door open. I smiled as I walked in.

  "Hey Mama! You won't believe the day I've had!"

    She struck me across the face. My head lashed to the side, though I continuing to smile. A fang pierced my cheek, causing a string of blood to fall from my lips.

  "Why didn't you pick up, you little fuck?!" Junko shouted, grabbing my cheeks.

  "I- I was with Y/n! I told you I had planned on taking them on a date today!" I tried to retain my smile as I answered.

  "You think I give a shit about your relationship with that slut?!" She let go of my face.

  "M-Mama- d-don't say that!" I whimpered, my lips curling into a frown. "I love them!"

  "Don't you dare talk back to me!" I flinched as she raised a hand, my ears pressing back against my head. I could hear her laugh as I did so.

  "If I call you, it's for a reason, you stupid bear. Your purpose is not to go off and have fun with one of your students. You're purpose is to serve me! Do you understand that?!"

  "Y-yes Mama-" I whimpered, my chin starting to quiver.

  "I'll happily replace you if that's what you want! You're disposable to me if you can't do what I say!!!" Junko grabbed one of my ears, pulling on it. I let out a yelp, tears collecting in my eyes.

  "God- you're so weak! But what more should I have expected from you?!" Her voice sounded of pure disgust.

  "I- I'm sorry Mama!"

  "Get out of my sight!" She screamed, shoving me towards the door.

  I looked back towards Junko only to see her scowl. I rushed towards my room so she wouldn't say anything else.

  My ears lay flat and my tail pressed down as I opened the door. I looked at the space, crawling onto my bed and shutting the door once again. I could feel myself beginning to cry as I searched for my monoplush. Junko had given it to me when I first moved into the school. She had seemed so happy back then. Now she always seemed frustrated with me. What had changed?

  I finally found it, pulling the soft stuffy into my arms. I pulled my legs to my chest, burying my face into the stuffed bear's soft fur. I held it closer to my chest as I tried to calm myself. I let my tongue hang from my mouth as I began to pant. Tears fell into my plushie's fur as I quietly sobbed once again.

I sat there for what felt like half an hour before finally calming myself. I breathed the stale scent of my bear's fur. It resembled that of honey, along with the sweet sent of flowers. I let out a soft sigh, placing a kiss on its button nose. I stroked my bears head, allowing myself to purr softly, knowing I would be okay.

  I then watched as my door swung open, my blood turning to ice as Junko glared upon me.

  "What the hell are you purring at, fucking animal?!"

  I pushed myself into the corner, holding my bear tighter. "Please don't call me that Mama-" I whimpered. My breathing quickened as the pain of those words quickly began to flow back.

  "The hell did you just say?! I can call you whatever the fuck I want!"

  "I sorry!" I shrieked.

  "What the hell is in your arms?" She grabbed a hold of my cub's head, trying to pull it from me. I forced myself to let go as it began to slowly tear. I shrunk smaller as she took it.

  "You still have this damned thing?! You're such a fucking child!" Junko hissed.

  I nodded quickly. I was. I was a weak, defenseless, useless child.

  "Please don't hurt it Mama. I promise I won't disappoint you again. Please Mama..."

  Junko turned my bear in her hands, snickering. I watched as she tore at the stitching, fluff falling to the ground as she did.

  I let out a wail as she dropped my bear. She stomped her foot down upon it. Tears flooded my eyes as I watched.

  "That'll teach you to listen." She turned, leaving me with my torn bear cub.

  I crawled from my bed and onto the ground, pulling it into my arms.

  "It'll be okay!" I whispered, my voice breaking. I picked up the stuffing, pushing it back into the tears. "Everything's okay!" I choked on my tears

  I rocked back and forth, my cub in my arms. I could barely breathe. I wanted so bad to see Y/n. They could fix it! They could fix me! But I couldn't let them see me like this.

  I continued to rock myself, hugging my plushy tighter. "It's okay! I'll fix you!" I cried to it. I felt as if I would drown in my tears. All the memories flowed back into my head, making the pain worse.

  "Please don't leave me-" I whispered to it, "I can't be alone again."

A/n: Did I cry a few times because I said the words aloud and acted through some of the points in this chapter? Yes. Yes I did. I hate myself for writing this. I'm so sorry.

  Have a good rest of you day/night, and please go read one of the fluff chapters now. Or go read someone else's fluff chapters.

Words: 1140

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