🖤 Don't Go Down The Dark Alley! 🖤

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A/n: I'm still alive! Apologies to any of you who have been waiting twenty billion years for me to update. School messes life up- anyway point is, I hope you enjoy this chapter! (and the meme I didn't make at the top-)

Also, I'm going to put a blood/violence/possible angst warning on this? Just know it could potentially be triggering to some, so read at your own risk-

Non-despair Au!

🖤 Don't Go Down The Dark Alley! 🖤

"I know! Math was so boring today!"

Me and my best friend, Katsume, were walking home together from school. Passing by person after person, we talked about how our day had gone, and how classes were. It was a daily ritual, one we didn't intend to break. Well...not if we could keep from it at least.

"There's so many people out today." Katsume stated, spinning around to marvel at the countless bodies.

"Yeah- it's gonna take us forever to get home." I added, knowing how busy the streets could get at this time in the day.

We continued to walk, this time, in silence. It seemed as if we were getting no where in the midst of the crowd. Katsume then stopped, grabbing my wrist.

"I know a shortcut! We can pass that way, through the alley! Once we get to the other side, we should come out on a lesser used street." Her voice was filled with excitement.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." I pointed out, looking to the dark path which laid between two massive buildings. It made me nervous. Every horror movie I had ever watched always showed people dying in alleys that didn't appear too different from the one before us.

"Oh come on! It can't be that bad! You have me with you!" She insisted, pulling on my arm.

I paused again, fumbling to find the right words.

"If you don't come with me, then I'll have to go back there all alone!" Katsume said in an almost sing-song voice, talking slow backwards steps toward the spiraling darkness.

I forced myself forward. "Tch- fine." There was a hint of nervousness in my voice.

Before I knew it, we were in the alleyway, passing dumpsters left and right. It lead on much longer than I had originally thought, holding multiple dead-ends and points where we had to turn. Katsume insisted that she knew where we were going, but each passing second made me more and more unsure.

"You promise me you've been this way before? Something doesn't feel right." I muttered, my eyes darting left and right.

Katsume spun on her heals, placing her hands behind her head as she began to walk backwards once again.

"Of course I know where I am! I wouldn't lie! Besides, are you really that scared of a few mice and alley-cats? There's nothing to worry about!" Her smile was almost reassuring, but I still couldn't make myself put faith in her words.

Katsume continued to walk backwards a few more paces, smiling and laughing as she did. I started to relax a little, her laidback demeanor finally starting to affect me. Perhaps she was right, maybe I was worried for nothing.

That's when she stopped, the smile instantly fading. I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion, not realizing the chill that had found it's way into the air around us.

I watch as Katsume turned her head, but before it could reach a stopping point, three gashes appeared across her neck. Her eyes widening in utter shock as blood quickly began to stain the soft skin surrounding the cuts. Before I could even scream, her body dropped onto the pavement. Now before me stood a boy around our age, his laugh echoing through the darkness.

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