Pillow Talk

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"Morning sleepyhead," FP whispers, delivering a soft kiss to Alice's shoulder, watching as her long lashes flutter awake. They stay shut, despite how she burrows herself further under the covers, and he chuckles to himself. "I've gotta go before someone catches me in here." He explains.

She opens one eye to check the time and then rolls onto her side, knocking him back into the pillows with her. "There's still time. Stay a few more minutes, you're warm." She mumbles sleepily, resting herself atop him and lying her head in the crook of his neck.

"So that's why you want me to stay." FP muses, large hands coming to stroke her bare back, drawing hearts and stars on her silk like skin. "I would love to stay here all day though. Not a single responsibility, just lay in bed all day, sounds like a dream. I can't remember the last time I got to do that."

"Fred would kill you if he found you in here." Alice speaks, more awake now and coming to her rational senses.

"Might be a risk I'm willing to take."

Alice lifts her head and gives him a stern look, stroking back his mussed hair. "I'd like you to stay in one piece." She tells him, just before capturing his lips in a tender kiss. "Now get out of here."

She rolls off of him, missing the warmth and feel of his body instantly, and he groans. "Tease."

She smirks at the comment and watches as he collects his clothes from the floor, not bothering to button all of the buttons on his shirt in his escape back to his room.

"Pass me my robe?" Alice requests, pointing to the cozy looking garment draped over a chair. She slips it on and ties it securely at the waist, before doing the same with her hair. She surely looks a mess but FP just stares in awe at her. "What?"

"Somehow you look even more beautiful." He shrugs, blushing slightly.

"I look like a mess." She protests, laughing sweetly. "But thank you."

"You look perfect," He tells her, arms wrapping around her waist, and he drops a kiss to her nose, causing it to scrunch up cutely.

"I messed up your hair," Alice comments, trying to tame the wild locks with her fingers. "Sorry."

"I think we're even," He replies, brushing his finger along a small lovebite on her collarbone.

Alice rolls her eyes fondly at the mark. "Come on, let's get you out of here, Jones."

He follows her to the door and after she deems the hallway safe he steps out into it. "You're coming down for breakfast right?" He wonders, not able to get enough of her.

"I'm just going to shower and I'll be there. There better be waffles left by the time I get there," She warns. "I'm starving."

"For you? I think I can hold back." He jokes.

Alice lifts up on her tip-toes when she notices his eyes fall to her lips, and he meets her halfway, kissing her softly and lingering for a long moment. He steals one more quick peck before finally pulling himself away and Alice closes the door with blushing cheeks.

It isn't until he turns to walk in the direction of his own room that he notices he's not alone in the hallway. At some point, the stupidly silent door of Mary and Fred's room had opened, and the redhead is now standing in front of him, a stunned expression on her face.

"M-Mary." He stammers, and he wildly looks back towards Alice room for an excuse. He holds up his cowboy hat from the night prior and smiles half-heartedly. "Needed to get my hat back." He tries to explain but she sees right through him. Still, she lets him try.

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