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"Knock, knock." FP's low voice calls from the other side of Alice's dressing room.

"It's open." She calls back, smiling once he steps inside.

"Woah," He gasps. "Look at you."

Alice smiles, cheeks blushing. "We thought tonight was a good occasion to try a new look."

Her hair is done in big loose curls, and her eyelids are swiped with a shiny glitter shadow that catches the light mesmerizingly.

"You look incredible." He tells her sincerely, leaning down to brush his lips against hers.

"Careful there, you're gonna mess up my work." Marta, Alice's makeup artist, teases.

"Sorry, sorry." He apologizes, taking up residence on a stool next to her and taking her hand. "How are you feeling?" He wonders, watching as Marta teases Alice's hair higher.

"Nervous, but a good kind of nervous." Alice insists. "The kind of nervous that makes you feel like you're going to throw up out of pure excitement."

"I'll take that as a good thing," He chuckles. "Can you believe that in just a few hours our lives could be changed forever?"

"Doesn't feel real." Alice agrees. "I don't know if I've fully processed it."

"It's a pretty big thing, that's only natural."

"I mean gosh, Europe, FP! Europe!" Alice grins. "And a big time producer? I never imagined I'd have this life again, it feels so surreal."

"You deserve every moment of it." He insists, stealing another kiss from her before he's being nudged away by Marta.

"Okay, okay, you two, there will be time for that but at least let me finish my work first." She jokes. "I take it you haven't visited the hairstylist yet?"

"What gave me away?" He wonders, a cheesy smirk on his face, he knows his hair is sticking up wildly, untamed from sleep. "You know where to find me."


"Tonight's a special night for us," FP begins, the crowd's cheers making him smile. "So we thought what better time to debut this new song than tonight?"

"We've been working on this for a while," Alice adds in, coming to stand next to FP. "It's a beautiful song, though I suppose I may be a little bias." She chuckles. "We hope you like it."

The lights dim on the stage as FP and Alice take their places.

You're no angel, I'm no saint
If we were, we wouldn't be in this place tonight

FP begins to sing, goosebumps forming on his arms as the band kicks in. Alice sways slowly, tapping her hip to the beat as he continues on.

Lost and lonely, scared and confused
We both have a past, nothing to lose, tonight

The crowd goes wild as Alice lifts her mic and joins in with him, their voices meshing in a beautiful harmony.

Well it cuts like a knife these bad luck blues
We both got scars from the hell we been thru
Somebody's gotta win, somebody's gotta lose

So let's roll the dice, one more time
Take a chance on love again tonight
Risk it all, lay it on the line
Let the skeletons fight for life
Tonight, hold on tight, as we collide

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