If I Could Fly

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June stares curiously in the direction of the hallway, having followed Alice with her eyes as she walked out of sight, eagerly awaiting her return. The strange man had appeared suddenly, and she quirked an eyebrow at the sight of his hand gripping Alice's arm. Chancing a glance behind her, she looks to see if anyone else noticed the encounter, finding everyone, including Mary involved in deep conversation.

Surely if something was wrong they would be doing something, right?

She keeps a stern watch on the hallway, lost in her imagination and itching to explore but keeping her promise to stay in one place while Alice was away.

The door opens again, and she watches as the same man stealthily looks down the hall before walking off with speed in his stride but before she can say anything she's interrupted by a voice.

"Earth to Junebug," FP's voice breaks through, making her eyes blink repeatedly. "Hey you, whatcha got there?"

She beams. "Alice wanted treats too so I helped her pick some out." She explains, looking over at her aunt and uncle standing next to her dad. "Aunt Mary came too, but she only got a cookie."

"Ah, I see." He steals a tart from the plate and takes a bite, the sweetness making his mouth water. "And where is Alice?" He questions, thinking she had made up the story seeing as the blonde was nowhere in sight.

"She went to get her phone, she told me to wait here for her." June answers honestly, confused by the expression that crosses FP's face.

"How long has she been gone?" Surely such a task couldn't take longer than a minute.

"I don't know. I think she was coming back but someone started talking to her and they went back into her room." She explains. "He just left, so I think she'll be back soon."

"He?" FP questions, pulse quickening. Not wanting to panic before he really needs to, he asks another question. "Did you see who it was? Did you know him?"

She shakes her head. "No but he looked mad, I think he was yelling at Alice."

Glancing nervously down the hall, FP lowers to his knees in front of June, locking eyes with her. "Honey, this is very important, okay? Can you tell me what he looked like?"

"He was kinda far away," She tells him.

"Do your best, sweetie." Mary pleads, while Fred steps aside, already calling for security.

"He had blonde hair, I think. And a blue shirt." She divulges. "He looked mean."

Fred repeats the information over his headset and FP scoops June up into his arms, passing her to Mary. "Don't let her out of your sight," He urges.

"You don't think-" FP just stares at her, confirming her fear. "Go, I've got her."

He makes a beeline down the hall, bursting into Alice's dressing room with little grace. At first he doesn't see anything but a mess; a vase shattered on the floor, makeup brushes scattered about, and there, on the floor is Alice, curled in on herself and unmoving.

He races towards her, carefully moving her into his arms and cradling her body. He listens closely, grateful to hear her shallow breathing, but it's just barely audible, her chest only just rising and falling, as if it can only get in the tiniest bit of air.

"Alice, honey, wake up." He pleads.

Fred comes walking by the dressing room, security in tow and he looks pleadingly at them. "Call an ambulance." FP tells them simply, but his voice is filled with fear. "And get that son of a bitch in a cell before I find him first."

"We're on it, FP." Fred assures him, making note of a security guard dialling 911. "Is she breathing?"

"Barely." He sniffles, unsure when the tears had struck him. "Alice, open your eyes baby, please." He lightly pats her cheek, trying to rouse her awake and her eyelashes flutter. He shakes her gently, and her eyes open fully, tensing in his hold. "It's okay, you're okay, it's me. I've got you."

She whimpers, gasping for air and clinging onto the fabric of his shirt. "It- it hurts."

He bites back a sob at the sight of her so scared and hurt. "The ambulance is coming, you're going to be alright." He assures her and her eyes begin to close again. He taps her cheek. "No, no, I need you to keep your eyes open for me. Stay with me, Alice. Just a little longer."

"I can't," She cries, clenching at her side as she moves.

"Yes you can, just look at me, I've got you. Help will be here soon, you're going to be okay." She nods, a tear slipping down her cheek and then her eyes are shutting again and this time his tapping and shaking of her doesn't work. "No, no! Alice, come on, stay with me."

She falls limp in his hold, her body dangling like a rag-doll in his arms. He looks back at Fred and the security team. "Where the hell is that ambulance?"

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