I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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Steady beeps gently rouse her, and she blinks repeatedly to adjust to the harsh fluorescent lights above her. It's stark white, a scent of rubbing alcohol and stale air filling her nose. Her throat feels like fire, so dry and scratchy, and her hand itches where an IV is placed.

Slowly taking in her surroundings she realizes she's in a hospital room, an abundance of flowers and cards surrounding the room, and a sports reporter talking about the best plays in football.

She locks eyes on him next; FP, fast asleep in the arm chair next to her bed, his jacket acting as a blanket as he snores softly. He looks worried even in sleep, his eyebrows furrowed and noticeable bags under his eyes.

Spotting a water bottle on the table next to her she sits up, immediately wincing in pain. The commotion wakes FP, and he takes a moment to fully appreciate her; awake and well. "You're awake,"

"You're exhausted," She chuckles softly, her voice rough and foreign to her own ears.

"Here," He begins, getting up to fill a paper cup with water and bringing it to her, holding it to her lips and letting her take some generous sips. She's not sure water has ever tasted as good as it does right that instant as it cools the lava put forming in her throat. "That better?"

"Much," She replies, voice still gravely but noticeably better. "How long have you been here?"

"Three days," He answers simply. "You've sort of been in and out of consciousness, I didn't want to leave you."

"Have you slept at all?" She frowns, reaching out to cup his cheek. "You look beat,"

"Don't worry about me," He says, taking her hand in his own and raising it to his lips. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? Kinda shitty." She tries to joke but FP doesn't so much as smile, too concerned to joke with her. "I'm sore but... I'm okay. Really."

"Are you sure? I can call in the nurse and she can get you something for the pain. Or if you're hungry, I can go get some food, you should probably eat, you haven't-"

"FP," Alice interrupts, squeezing his hand. "Calm down."

"I can't calm down," He scoffs. "Alice, I thought..." He takes a deep breath before continuing, levelling himself. "When I walked into that room you were barely conscious, you are not okay."

"I will be," She assures him, but he keeps rambling.

"The doctor said he bruised your windpipe and a couple ribs, that's why it hurts when you move. So if you need anything, let me know and I'll get it. The nurse said if you're in pain they can give you something for it but you should heal relatively soon since they didn't break, you'll just be really sore for awhile." He divulges the information to her quickly, not so much as stumbling over his words as he does. "She did say the medicine they've been giving you might make you nauseous once you're awake, so she can grab you something for that if you are. Are you?"

"Nauseous?" He nods. "No, I'm good. Really, FP. I'm alright. You are starting to freak me out though."

He goes quiet for a moment, staring down at their entwined fingers. "I was so scared," He admits quietly. "When I saw you on the floor like that, I... it was the most scared I've ever been."

"Hey, hey," She carefully sits up, ignoring the way her ribs ache in protest. "Don't think about that."

"How are you so calm? He could've killed you, Alice!"

"You think I'm calm?" She gapes. "Do you know how scary it is waking up in a hospital room with no memory as to how you got there? Or how about finding out you've been out for three days and have no recollection of a single moment of them?" She hisses. "I don't feel like myself right now, and that's terrifying. And you, you're flying off the handle when what I really need is for you to sit down and tell me, calmly, what's happened."

"I'm sorry," He apologizes. "I don't know how to react right now, you're just... I've been so worried about you, and I've been going over it all a million times in my head, everything I should have done differently."

"There's nothing you could have done," Alice assures him. "Hal was always going to try and come back, and it's not anyones fault but his own what happened."

"We should've shown pictures or something,"

"He's sneaky," Alice says. "He would've found a way. He always does."

He frowns at her words, at the dark memories he knows are creeping into her head. "We're upping security," FP promises her. "He is never going to get within so much as a mile of you, Alice, I'll make sure of it."

She goes quiet, her eyes drifting away from him and he frowns, reaching out to stroke her hair. "You okay?"

"Can you just lay with me for a bit?" She requests.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, I just need to be close to you right now. Please?"

"Yeah, okay. But if anything hurts, you tell me okay? And if you need anything-"

"I'll tell you," Alice promises. "Just hold me."

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