I Have a Dream

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Her laugh.

Her dimples.

Her golden hair.

Her perfect smile.


She's everywhere; flitting about the stage as if she's floating, settling next to him and telling him jokes, writing lyrics that would make even the most famous poets cry. He's completely surrounded by her. He can smell her perfume, can feel her touch on his skin, sees the way her eyes become an even more brilliant shade of blue whenever she stands in the sun. And then there's her sweet voice, her beautiful, melodic voice that soothes him so easily.

"FP." She whispers, pressed close to his side as a notebook balances on her knee. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Just you and I."

"Me too." He tells her simply, feeling the warmth of her hand as she links their fingers.

"I know you like me." She tells him and he immediately blushes. She laughs. "Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute."

"It's unprofessional."

She shrugs. "What if I told you I felt the same?"

"Do you?"

She smiles again. That damn smile of hers gets him every time. But when she opens her mouth to speak her lips don't match her words, and his eyebrows furrow. "Wake up."

"What?" He begs her to repeat her answer and she's still smiling, still holding his hand.

"Daddy." It comes from a nearby p.a system and causes him to jump.

Suddenly Alice is in his lap, caressing his beard. "Wake up." She says, just before she leans in closer to him, their lips so close.

The voice floats away, replaced only by her and them, and this moment. But just as he begins to think it was all in his head, he hears it again, only this time it's accompanied by someone's weight falling onto him. "Daddy!" He recognizes the voice as June finally, and forces his eyes open. "Finally you're awake!" She drawls, clearly having been waiting.

"Well good morning to you too." He chuckles, scooting over so she can lie next to him. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long, but I've been trying to wake you up."

"Well I'm up now, what's on the agenda for the day?"

As June begins to ramble about all the things she wants to do, FP takes a deep breath.


She's been a recurring role in his dreams recently and every time he wakes up he briefly expects her to be there, every single time it feels so real. He's not sure what it means, sometimes she's confessing her love for him, sometimes they're in a heated moment, sometimes they're arguing, and sometimes, like in a particularly odd one, they're quitting the tour to join a circus. He has no idea why she's become the choice of his brain every night, but he's thoroughly embarrassed every single time he wakes up and expects her to be there.

"Oh and then can we go to the zoo?" June asks, snapping him out of his daze. "Aunt Mary said there's a zoo near the concert!"

"If you want to go the zoo then well go to the zoo, whatever you want to do today we're gonna do."

"Anything?" She said wonders, her little eyebrow quirking up in mirror of her father.

"Anything." He agrees, albeit nervously due to the look on her face.

"Can I have a milkshake for breakfast?" She tries, and FP laughs.

"I think that sounds like a great idea, I might just have one myself." He tells her before sliding out of bed. He rubs his hand over face, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before lifting up June and stepping out from behind the curtain to greet the rest of the bus. "Morning!" FP chirps, setting June down on the couch.

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