Midnight Train to Georgia

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He's not sure what the time is when he wakes up, but by the darkness out the window and the soft snores from around him, he's sure it's the middle of the night. However, nature calls, and he carefully jumps down from the bunk he was sleeping in, careful not to wake the person below him.

He blindly makes his way through the bus, pulling back the curtain that separates the rest of the bus from the sleeping quarters, and blinks blearily as the lights of the highway shine brightly in his eyes.

He's just about to walk into the small bathroom when he spots Alice in one of the seats, wide awake and nervously tapping a pen against her notebook.

"Hey," He whispers when he's close.

She jumps slightly and guilt immediately crosses her face. "Oh hi, sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, just was heading to the bathroom," He explains, and takes the spot next to her. "What are you doing up?"

She shrugs. "Couldn't sleep."

"Nervous?" He can read it on her face, in the way her hands shake.

She laughs, a low self deprecating chuckle. "Petrified."

"You have a little bit of stage fright?" He wonders. He knows exactly where she's coming from, it can be hard at first to get up in front of such huge crowds.

Alice bites down on her cheek, thinking carefully. "Something like that."

"What is it they say you should do? Picture everyone in their underwear?" FP suggests, and she laughs, a sweet melodic sound that he instantly wants to hear more of.

"I've never understood that, wouldn't that just be more distracting?"

"You know? Now that I think about it, yeah, yeah it probably is." He chuckles. "It's not so bad though, I promise."

"I know, and I'll be fine when I'm up there it's just the waiting that gets me."

"I get that, you're constantly building something up in your mind and it can be a little scary."


"I'll be there with you the entire time though," FP promises. "If you get scared just look at me, pretend I'm the only one there."

She turns and smiles softly at him. "Thanks, FP."

"Of course." He settles into the seat better and she raises an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"You don't have to stay out here with me, you can go back to bed."

"Do you mind if I stay?"

Alice shakes her head immediately. "No, I just didn't want you to feel like you had to stay up with me because I'm psyching myself out."

"This is the first time we've really gotten to talk just the two of us, it's kinda nice." He explains. "I never properly thanked you for agreeing to come on this tour."

Alice's eyes narrow in confusion. "Why would you thank me? I should be the one thanking you."

"Not just for coming on the tour, but for everything. Meeting you really helped pull me out of the dark slump I could feel myself slipping into." He scoffs. "Maybe that sounds ridiculous considering we haven't know each other that long, but you really have helped me out, I just thought you should know that."

"I think we help each other," Alice agrees. "We've all got our demons, it's nice to have someone who can ease those up a little."

"You've never told me your demons, anything I can help with?"

"It's in the past, and I hate the past."

"I second that!" FP says with a laugh. "Seriously though if you ever want to talk, or just need someone to listen, I'm here."

"That means a lot," Alice tells him, so sincerely. "Thank you."

"Any time." He smiles at her, and even through the dark she can see how genuine he is.

"This is really happening, huh?" Alice croaks, staring out at the whir of trees.

"It really is. How are you feeling, you know, besides the stage fright."

"Kinda want to throw up." She admits and he chuckles.

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"Both." She answers simply. "On one hand, this is an amazing opportunity, and I'm so excited. But on the other, I'm scared I'm gonna fall flat and it'll all be for nothing."

"Do you really believe that?" FP questions. She blinks. "Alice, do you not remember the crowd you'd pull in every night at that cafe?"

"That's different-"

"They were all there for you. They weren't there for the coffee and donuts, they were there because you were there." He reminds her, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. "You don't give yourself enough credit, even though you're quite possibly the most talented person I've ever met."

Alice smiles at him. "You really know how to help a girl when she's down."

"I just don't want you to doubt yourself, you've got too much going for you to not believe in it." His thumb absentmindedly strokes her hand, soothing her. "Just wait until the reviews start rolling in, then you'll see what I see."

She's not able to find the right words, something so strange to her since she's usually an expert with them, so instead she just curls her arms around him, hugging him tight. He chuckles out of surprise but hugs her back nonetheless, his arms wrapping around her so securely. "Thank you, FP."

"Any time." He promises.

"Maybe tomorrow we could write? You know, before we get to the first show?"

"Yeah, I'd like that! I think the audience would get a kick out of it if we premiered some new songs every once and a while."

"Definitely! And what better way to kill time on a long bus ride?" She can see how heavy his eyes are, sleep definitely calling him, so she fakes a yawn. "I guess I should try and catch some sleep, huh?"

"Yeah probably, want to be as rested as possible for the shows." He agrees. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I think you talked me down." She smiles softly at him and gives his hand a squeeze. "Thank you."

"If you need anything, anything at all, just come wake me, I don't mind." He insists. "Sweet dreams, Alice."

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