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"Good morning, sleepyhead," FP whispers, tickling June's cheek as she slowly stirs from her sleep. She blinks blearily at him and he chuckles before speaking again. "Happy birthday!"

Her sleepy expression suddenly lights right up. "It's my birthday!" She exclaims, wide awake now.

"Six years old, you're getting too big on me." FP pouts.

"I'm still small, dad." June drawls dramatically.

"I remember when you fit right in my hands." He recalls with a smile. "You wanna go have some breakfast?"

"Pancakes?" She wonders with a quirk of her brow.

"Whatever the birthday girl wants," FP agrees, slipping her slippers onto her feet before extending his hand to her.

"Where is everyone?" June frowns as they walk through the silent hallway towards the elevator. "Where's Alice? She wasn't there when I woke up."

"She went downstairs to keep Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary company," He explains vaguely. "I told them we'd meet them when you woke up."

June nods, following FP sleepily to the dining hall. He pushes open the door and gestures her in. "After you,"

She skips into the room and is immediately greeted by a chorus of noisemakers and cheery birthday wishes. "Happy birthday to you," Everyone begins to sing. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear June. Happy birthday to you."

Fred walks up to the grinning girl, a plate of pancakes balanced in his hand, decked out in whip cream and topped with candles. "Make a wish, kid."

June squints her little eyes shut, her face scrunching in appreciation as she makes a wish, blowing out the candles with an excited grin.

"What'd you wish for?" Fred wonders, chuckling as June tuts at him.

"I can't tell you, it won't come true!" She scolds.

"That's the number one rule of birthday candles, Fred." Alice teases, placing a party hat on the little girl's head.

After the candles have been pulled out she takes the plate from Fred, making a beeline for a place to sit so she can dig into the pancakes.

FP smiles as he watches her, and soon feels a hand come to his arm, drawing him out of his thoughts. "She looks so happy," Alice says, smiling as FP curls his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in close.

"It's nice to see that smile. God, I miss her so much, she's growing up so fast."

"I know, honey." Alice frowns, pressing a kiss to his shoulder to comfort him. "Come on, let's have fun, don't dwell on things you can't change, just enjoy the moment."


June's birthday had been spent at a nearby jungle-gym, complete with ball pits, twisting slides and pizza. And of course, the most exciting part, a big chocolate cake that the six year old was all too eager to dig into.

So the idea of ending the day cuddled together watching a movie was all too appealing. And it seems as though Alice and June agreed.

FP smiles as he looks over at the two of them, snuggled up together on the couch peacefully asleep; the tyke sized guitar he bought her for her birthday, resting against the side.

The movie is still playing, a little left in its runtime and FP turns it off as quietly as possible, figuring they can finish it tomorrow — they could all use the sleep now.

He drapes a thick blanket over the two of them and plans to crawl into bed, not wanting to disturb the girls by having them move as well when they're clearly comfortable.

But just as he's about to divest the bed of unnecessary pillows, June stirs awake and he hears her soft voice in the otherwise silent room. "Daddy?"

He kneels down next to the couch, lowering his voice so he doesn't disturb Alice who's still sleeping. "Hey baby. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"It's okay." She yawns, reaching for his hand as he strokes her hair back. "What are you doing?"

"I was just about to go to bed," He explains. "You and Alice fell asleep."

"Is it still my birthday?" She innocently wonders.

FP chuckles, settling down on his knees. "Yeah baby, it's still your birthday for a few more hours."

"Can I stay up a little longer?" The question is asked through yet another yawn.

"You're tired, honey." FP tries to reason to no avail.

"Just a little while?" She requests, nudging at him so he'll rest his back against the couch comfily.

"Did you have a good birthday?" He wonders, his hand combing through the mess of curls atop her head.

"The best!" She squeaks. "And tomorrow you're singing, right?"

"Yeah, and you get to hang out backstage with Fred and Mary." To anyone else that would seem thoroughly dull but to June it's the best. She's always so fascinated as she watches the concert go on, and even backstage; her childhood curiosity peaking her interest in every minuscule task the crew does.

"Can I bring my guitar?" She wonders, looking towards the shiny new instrument FP gifted her.

"Absolutely," He grins. "Gotta show off your skills."

They sit quietly for a little while, so much so that FP is sure she's drifted back to sleep. But her little voice peaks again. "Dad?"


"Do you like Alice?"

His eyebrows furrow. "Yeah, of course, I do."

"Do you like her like you liked mommy?" She asks, quickly rephrasing. "Do you love her?"

"When did you get so smart, kid?" He chuckles, reaching out to pinch her little cheek.

"Do you?" She presses, clearly not satisfied until he answers her question.

"Yeah... I think I do." He smiles, his stomach doing a flip at the admission. "But she doesn't know yet, so don't tell her."

June grins, making a gesture with her hands to lock her lips and throw away the key, very much content with the knowledge.

When The Lights Go Down Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora